Monday, May 16, 2022

Back From Hiking

 Well, we did not die.

Total hike was around 30 miles spread over 3 days, 5,545 ft elevation gain by the time we went up and down (numerous times).  Temperatures got up to 85 F during the day, which made for some not quite pleasant portions of the day to be hiking through.  That said, other than some spots where I missed sunscreen and a bit of a chafing issues (something to deal with next month), we had a very good hike.  A few pictures will have to suffice for now.


  1. Southern Texas?

    1. Good guess Ed - but not at all. I will say it could remind me of parts of Southern Texas.

  2. Nylon126:43 AM

    Good looking countryside, lots of sun also. SPF do the job? Footwear hold out? Hiking staff used? Inquiring minds want to know TB.

    1. Nylon12, SPF was fine - if I remembered to apply it appropriately. I did not, and so I burned a but (needs to fixed for the next trip). The footwear was the trail runners I used for the Grand Canyon (and which many people use instead of boots for these sorts of things, apparently) and held out fine, as did my feet. Sadly, lots of inner "chafing" which I only found out on Day 3 when I returned home. That needs to be fixed before the next trip. I have been doing some research: recommendations are wash more, powder or gel, or change things a bit more frequently (probably a combination of all of those three).

      Hiking poles are a god send. I cannot imagine doing a hike like this without them. Pack was about 20 lbs loaded with food and we certainly had enough of everything. A very promising start to the season.

  3. I know a boot that did the Manchu Mile twice. He said panty hose keep the chafing to a minimum. YMMV..... heh, that's inadvertently appropriate and funny.

    1. STxAR, it is not a bad idea. I think they have better materials now, but the concept is still the same.

  4. Blessed weather and the beauty of God's creation. No accidents and you came back safe. Sounds like a success for sure, TB.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. It was Linda, it truly was. Looking forward to next month.

  5. Wonderful photos, TB. I'm glad your warm up went well!

    1. Thank you Leigh! I am always a little nervous about these things (thus why we are training hiking now), but everything overall went swimmingly.


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