Friday, May 13, 2022

Gone Hiking

Responses this weekend will be a bit delayed, as I have Gone Hiking.

Well, in fairness it is more "Gone Training Hiking".  My brother in law (he of The Grand Canyon adventure last year) and I are planning on an 8 day hike this August.  Beyond just the usual "train more", he and I are making a series of three day training hikes leading up to August (besides I need to burn some PTO or lose it).

With any luck, we will be completely excluded from cell phone coverage (so work cannot find me - or more appropriately, so that I will not be tempted to check my e-mail).  I am hopeful that where we are going will give us some beautiful pictures and allow me to refocus a little bit.


  1. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Sounds like fun. Enjoy your hike!

  2. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Have fun and take care on the grades and slippery slopes (if any). A hiking staff can be well worth the bit of extra weight.

    1. Thank you. I think it is a fairly easy hike (my brother in law knows me well enough. I had never used hiking poles until our trip in the Grand Canyon and am totally converted to their use.

  3. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Understand the burn up PTO requires.
    I ended up foisting off a full 40 hrs last month at FYE because I failed to take it. It is not the correct way to be an overachiever.


    1. Aargh. That has to be the worst feeling ever - and it is even more frustrating when the company will neither let you buy it out nor allow you to push it forward.

  4. Nylon1211:10 AM

    Good luck TB, don't overdo the hiking the first training day. An eight day hike? My uncalled for advice is take a firearm although I don't know the state of the hike and your home state, laws.....harumph.

    1. Nylon12 - Fortunately this will be a pretty easy first day - we will not get to the trail before 1300 and the campsite by 1700 or so.

      The eight day hike is not until August. It is certainly farther than I have gone before. Thankfully the area around Mt. Whitney is larger absent of larger wildlife other than (probably) bears and mountain lions, which are minor concern.

  5. May the temperatures be mild and the skies blue on your hike.

    1. Ed, temperatures edged into the "Why I am doing this?", but the skies were blue and overall it was a very good time.

  6. You all be safe and God bless!

    1. He certainly did Linda. A very good time was had.

  7. Wow! Great fun. I wish I could be hiking with you.

    1. Thanks ERJ! We ended up having a really good hike.


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