Thursday, May 28, 2020

Social-Less Media

So it looks like I am about to take another long vacation from social media.

If you are reader of any length here, you know that I had an on again-off again relationship with The Book of Face.  In a way it is very hard as most all organizations I follow or belong to have gone to The Book of Face as their primary contact and distribution of information point - and also, my family (my parents especially) like pictures and updates of the girls. 

But the Book of Face can become littered with opinions and thoughts such that even if you are not directly involved in the discussion, you are flattened by the input.  Reading it can be enough to ruin your day, even if you had nothing to say.

As a compromise (and because apparently no-one under the age of 30 uses the Book of Face regularly) I went to Insta-tele-gram, which in theory is only pictures and videos.  Mistake.  The same thing happens there as well, just without the longer conversations.

Oddly enough, one of the things (for me anyway) is that I also tend to take to heart what people post.  You learn some things about people and their opinions, sometimes things that disappoint or sadden you - much, I suppose as I disappoint and sadden some individuals as well.  I understand that we are supposed to separate the individual and their worth from their opinions, thoughts, and beliefs - but being someone who believes we should be integrated in our actions and beliefs I tend to see the individual along with their opinions, thoughts, and beliefs.

And so, in the midst of a busy week in the midst of a busy Spring, I suddenly find myself walking back from social media.  More and more.

I have a few groups I follow and one or two friends that I keep in contact with, and for them I will keep the account (and for the family, of course).  But social media continues, in the midst of its growing reach, to be less and less impactful for me.  I do not know if I would define it as I am less social, or social media is less social.  Either way, there is less and less of life improvements that it has to offer me.

At some point I am going to get very brave and do an entire week without it.  That will lead to two weeks, and that to four, and then before long I will wonder how I ever lived with it, as I used to wonder how I ever lived without it.


  1. When I was basically a youth pastor, I got a Myspace account. Just to keep track of the kids. Eye opening. When FaceB took off, I got an account, posted a bit, and then ran away. I haven't looked back. I tried their marketplace but it is difficult for me to use.

    I'm not antisocial. I'm not a troglodyte, I'm a Mod 1, Mk 1 human. I like to look their eyes, take cues from body language, listen to their accent, grip their hand, and if it warrants a hug, give them a good one. I can read all manner of emotions and motive into words. Most times, inaccurately. I need genuineness, no wax. I'm a meat-space kind of guy.

    1. STxAR, I can relate. The Book of Face is at best a useful contact tool, at worst a mechanism of social shaming and control.

      The real world is good - that said, I am a little antisocial and getting more so over time. The more people I meet, overall the firmer my opinion becomes about the human race in general.

  2. I have all the wrong opinions and no patience at all for the wrong people so I never bothered with Facebook or Twitter. I am on Gab, where I occasionally troll my favourite pundits and the other cretins and hecklers. The rude jokes are worth the trip alone... if you have a sub zero IQ like I have. You probably wouldn't care for it. I think there are other alt tech platforms though... maybe one of those might be to your liking, TB?

    1. Glen, I am guessing you would end up on the outer layers of posting Hell in both of their realms - I am familiar with your opinions...

      I have tried Gab but it was a little too...spicy...for my tastes. I have tried one or two bulletin boards and they are okay, but some of the same issues (humans, it appears, just like to argue).

      In terms of another platform, it kind of loses (for me anyway) the purpose if I am only on there alone. My family and friends are not likely to change at this point so it undercuts that value.

  3. I posted an opinion... once... on Faceplant. Apparently, on Faceplant, one is NOT ALLOWED to have a negative opinion of Bernie Sanders. Oh, the flaming arrows I took for that! Never again. Not that I mind poking the bear on Faceplant, especially bears sniffing unicorn dust and squeezing rolls of toilet paper. The issue was the inundation of "response" e-mails in my IN box. There were HUNDREDS of them a day! GOD FORBID I state my case against an unabashed communist posing as a socialist! Nope; never again... I cancelled that account. I have since started another account to keep track of family doin's. I think I've posted maybe three replies to those posts. Faceplant can KMA...

    1. Pete, non-conforming opinions on the Book of Face are not allowed. They do not really want opinions. They want conformance. And memes. And people feeling good about people.

      Stopping and restarting the account is not a bad idea. One just has to remember to then not use the account for anything but occasional follow ups.

  4. Got to do what makes you happy, TB. I have unfollowed many because the politics - even if I agreed - got to be too much.
    I get to see more of what I want to see -- like gardening groups and family -- and less of what just riles me up.

    You all have a blessed weekend, TB. :)

    1. Linda, I think you hit the nail on the head. I want to spend my days less riled up.


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