Wednesday, May 20, 2020

2020 Garden Update

So finally - three weeks later - I actually have a garden update!

Tomato plant is doing well (with a potato volunteer in the foreground):

Jalapeno Pepper. Such a reliable producer year after year:

Another potato volunteer:

Collection of young peppers, beans, and black eyed peas:

Bolting Lettuce (for Seeds) and onions and garlic:

Trying Corn and two times of Sorghum:

Asparagus is 6' or more:

My limes continue to grow.  My greatest victory of the season:


  1. I spy a tail in the lower right-hand corner of the asparagus picture! lol. Everything looks great! Your garden is further along than mine, so it's fun to admire.

    1. Thanks Leigh!!

      That tail would be Poppy the Brave, looking for rats around the compost pile.

      We have been fortunate this year in that the heat has not really started yet. It is starting to crank up and already I am loosing some of the seedlings. Funny what does well here.

  2. Everything looks great! Love your mulch, too!

    Have you read up on corn? I know you said you always have trouble with it. You know it's wind pollinated I expect. So it does well in small blocks. At one or two ears per plant, you may be getting a good crop and not know it! 🐰

    1. Thanks Linda! That is actually the litter I use for the rabbits (wood pellets) that breaks down with the rabbit poop and pee. I have never had it this high so this is sort of an experiment as I do not know what the water retention is.

      I am hopeful for the corn (to be fair, I am hopeful every year)...

  3. I had a minor? TBI beginning of April. I'm over a month behind. I'm hoping some of the garden lives to produce. It's getting hot down here already.

    I like the looks of your setup. I have to pot everything, as the dirt here has some wilt in it. Squash, cucumbers, etc start well, then die off. Fruit is hard and bitter if you get any at all. Then it's done. Leaves yellow and die. It's a mess.

    1. I have been a little fortunate in that the soil here will support things, but different things that what I was used to growing up. I cannot corn or tomatoes to produce for love or money. I can get peppers, black eyed peas, beans, and sweet potatoes to thrive.


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