Saturday, February 15, 2025

There and Back And Back Again

 I am back.

The trip was good, successful both from a professional sense of meeting people and learning things and a personal level of getting to see more places that I have not been.  I am bit tired still and sincerely wondering which day it is and which continent I am on - in the 22 days I have been on three of them - but a couple days of sleeping in my own bed have worked wonders.

I have even more travel material as grist for the mill (I will be writing of travel forever, it seems), but below are a few snapshots of places I went.

In Basel, looking East towards Switzerland

The Rhine

Roman Theater - Augusta Raurica (Kaiseraugust, Switzerland)

Temple - Augusta Raurica (Kaiseraugust, Switzerland)

St. Elizabeth's Church - Basel, Switzerland

Basel Town Hall - Built 1508-1521

Fountain - Basel, Switzerland

Basel Münster - Built 1091-1500

Stained glass window - Basel Münster

Butter Pretzel (It was delicious!)

Countryside - Bavaria


  1. Nylon127:59 AM

    Interesting photos from a different part of the world, just had to include one food item eh TB? Now it's time to start breakfast since the stomach started growling. That stained glass window is stunning.

    1. Nylon12 - While I tried to be reasonable on the whole for my spending, I have to confess I had of one the best breakfast spreads I have ever seen during my trip (Pretzels! For breakfast! The wonder!).

      Basel Munster was an amazing church.

  2. Anonymous8:31 AM

    When the word TRAVEL is written, your posts contain many images and descriptions of experiences felt. Thank you for your effort of putting them to words for the rest of us to experience.

    1. Anon - You are so welcome! I have to admit it is a great joy to be able to share them, and I would be lying if I did not say that the thought of writing about where I have been permeates my thoughts where I go. I likely take a great many more pictures than I used to in hopes that they will be of use in posts.

  3. Very pretty area. I thought that would be neat place to visit. Thanks for bringing some of it back.

    My people left the region of southern Germany (Baden-Wurttemburg) for the soon to be US in the early 1700's.

    1. STxAR - It has been some years since I have been to either Switzerland or Germany (mostly Bavaria). I had forgotten how beautiful such places are.

      As my employer is located in these regions, my hope is to get back there a bit more often.

  4. Short of several trips to England and one to Greece, I have not spent much time in Europe but would like to do so at some point. Spending time in a place many times older than my country's existence, well at least to Europeans, has always fascinated me.

    1. Ed, this very short trip reminded me that I really should make an effort to get back to Europe again. There is so much that I have not seen.

  5. I know you're glad to be home. Travel is fun, and your readers benefit from all your wonderful pictures, but as Dorothy said, "there's no place like home."

    1. I am, Leigh. Joy the Rabbit is very happy to see me, and I am happy to see my bed (and my washing machine).


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