Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Gone Traveling 2025: Cambodia And Vietnam

 Dear Friends:

As you are reading this, I am likely in the air with The Ravishing Mrs. TB on my way to Southeast Asia.

I know what you are thinking:  "TB, where you not somewhere else in the world not two weeks ago?"  Technically that is correct and believe me, I had not intended on traveling so much in February when this trip originally came up over a year ago.  The difficulty with these sorts of trips is that once you put the money down, you lose it if you do not go.

And so, we are going - even though by my count, for this month of February I will have spent less time in the United States than out of it.

The flight there, if you are wondering, is a little long:  1 hour from New Home 2.0 to the US departure point,  17.5 hours to Singapore, and then 2.5 hours from Singapore to Phnom Penh in Cambodia (yes, we end up completely losing the 27th of February).  The flight back is marginally better:  4 hours from Hanoi to Seoul (South Korea), 10.5 hours from Seoul to the U.S., and then another 1 hour flight from port of entry to New Home 2.0.

We will have a total of 4 days in Cambodia and 10 days in Vietnam.

What do I expect? I have almost no idea.  This area is one that I am almost completely unfamiliar with with the exception of The Vietnam War and The Khmer Rouge (vaguely).  I have read a short history of each country and there seems to be a lot more there to explore (especially history).

As is now the custom, I have left a series of posts in my absence and once again beg your ever kind generosity in the delay in responses - while not quite as far ahead as in Japan, it is almost as much.

I remain Your Obedient (and apparently increasingly Far Traveled) Servant,

Toirdhealbheach Beucail


  1. Nylon127:19 AM

    To the increasingly Far and MUCH Traveled Servant, enjoy! This reader awaits with photos TB......:)

  2. Looking forward to your posts of the trip upon your return. I have read quite a bit about Vietnam, both historical and war versions. My favorite of all those books, which sort of combined both aspects, is "Sacred Willow" by Mai Elliot.


Comments are welcome (and necessary, for good conversation). If you could take the time to be kind and not practice profanity, it would be appreciated. Thanks for posting!