Monday, February 10, 2025

My Contribution To Workplace Safety


The struggle is real.


  1. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Some people REALLY need at least a cup of coffee to function well in the morning. Some report headaches caused by the lack of 'coffee infusion'. My wife is one of these persons. Her focus and enthusiasm for starting the day makes a difference.

    Yes, the struggle is real.

    1. I am not sure that it is completely necessary, but it is a habit. I have tried to do better lately by limiting my intake of caffeinated coffee to 2 cups a day and those before 9 AM.

  2. I've tried drinking coffee a couple times, in sub prime places like complimentary coffee in hotel rooms, and have hated both experiences. So I have never got into drinking coffee. I suppose I could have learned to like it had I tried some better places, like a coffee shop, but it saves me a lot of time and money not drinking the stuff so I have resisted.

    1. Ed - To be fair, those indeed might've not been the best locations. I will say at this point I have become much more of a coffee snob.

  3. Nylon127:11 AM

    Never started drinking that liquid TB and noticed the large number of co-workers who needed that to start their work day along with a few soft drink users.....yeeeech......pop at seven AM (shudder).

    1. Nylon12, I cannot imagine a soda at 0700. Ever.

  4. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I've never had a cup of coffee. I tried one and nope. One taste was enough. But I do drink 2 pepsi a day.

    1. I did not drink it until well into my 20's. I now am limiting it because of the caffeine input.

    2. I didn't start until I was 33. My buddies talked me into joining the local Cal. Army Guard unit, for the fun of it, and I'd be in the Armament unit with them. 1st annual training exercise, in the Far North of central California, in a cold fox hole, guard watch, I started digging through an MRE (Meal, ready to eat). Found cocoa powder, coffee, sugar, powdered creamer and I already had water and a stainless canteen holder cup! Of course, you always have sterno. Boil water, mix everything in, Voila!! Liquid Nirvana! Was hooked instantly. I like coffee in my real cream and sugar these days! Stand alone coffee is a gag me! Hot chocolate and tea are acceptable alternatives.

    3. T_M - I was a "late bloomer" as well. As noted above, I have become a little more snobby about my coffee - and drinking a bit less overall to manage potential blood pressure issues.

  5. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Without two coffs of cuppy, I can not clink thearly!

    1. I completely identify with this statement.


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