Sunday, October 13, 2024

If You Knew How Quickly People Would Forget


I fear our modern world, with its constant need to be relevant, seen, and paid attention to, will have a great struggle in the years to come when they in turn fall victim to those behind them who will become the new "influencers" and "trend setters".  Ultimately we will all be forgotten except by God, at least in this world:  the sooner we know that, the sooner we can order our life appropriately.

To that end, were I given the choice (not that I have ever been) of being famous and young or famous and old, I would choose famous and old.  It is one thing to enter a level of recognition in the latter years of your life; it is another to have been famous and then suddenly be no more than any other ordinary system.  Few that have lived that route ever seem to have been able to make the transition.

(Also, another prayer request [it apparently is that kind of year]:  I got word last night from The Ravishing Mrs. TB that my father in law, The Master Sergeant, has gone back into the hospital and given his condition, the decision has been to move him to hospice.  He may have up to two weeks as this involves the discontinuation of dialysis.  Any prayers or good thoughts would be greatly appreciated for my in-laws.)


  1. I will add you, the Ravishing Mrs. TB and Master Sergeant to my nightly prayers.

  2. Nylon127:04 AM

    Request granted TB, The Master Sergeant added into the prayer rotation. As to which choice, I'm already old but NOT famous nor infamous, thank Heaven.......... :)

  3. Prayers up. Also prayers for the caregivers both professional and family as they need support also.

  4. Prayers up for the Master Sergeant. If (since) God knows your name, you'll never be forgotten. We are, all of us, eternal beings. This is the temporary we see now. It's no surprise to be forgotten in the holding tank as the turnover continues apace.


Comments are welcome (and necessary, for good conversation). If you could take the time to be kind and not practice profanity, it would be appreciated. Thanks for posting!