Wednesday, October 23, 2024

2024 Turkey: Ephesus (II)

 In our visit to Ephesus, we started at the top of the city and worked our way down towards what would have been the old harbor.  

Part of the original road.  In theory, the Apostles Paul and John could have walked on this same pavement.

Shops and houses would have built into the hills.

Entry to the Roman baths:

The Temple of the deified Hadrian:

The letters read "Latris", or latrines.  Those Romans and their engineering.

The water channel where the sewage would have flowed out:

A local guide demonstrating how its usage:

Cold and hard stone seats:

Proclamation by the Emperors Valentinian, Valens, and Gratian (ruled A.D. 364 - 378 jointly), granting the magistrate Eutroplus land to generate revenue for repair of the city.  The original is above, the translation below.

The bottom of the hill. To our right is the road we were looking down yesterday, ahead of us is the road to the agora, harbor and theater, and to the left is the Library of Celsus.


  1. Nylon126:23 AM

    Those corners seats in that latrine....... cue badger nope! nope! GIF. Romans knew how to engineer, no power machines for them , just human/animal power.

  2. Funny, but I was thinking the exact same thing as Nylon12! There would be no tapping feet with former Senator Larry Craig. Your entire leg would be touching!


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