Wednesday, October 02, 2024

2024 Turkey: Çanakkale to Pergamon

 The morning after our stay in Çanakkale, we left the hotel.  Our destination was Pergamon, the ancient capital of the kingdom of Pergamon (or "Pergamum", as we often know it at least in the U.S.).  There is not a great deal to this post, just pictures of the countryside of Turkey as we drove - the kind of thing that never makes its way into actual travel videos or programs.

At this point we have left the Dardanelles.  The water in front of us now is the Aegean Sea.

Looking up from the water.

1 comment:

  1. Nylon125:50 AM

    Well you certainly had good weather on that trip TB, blue skies mean blue water. What was traffic like?


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