Sunday, April 07, 2024

Diminishing God's Glory

I will be honest that a combined focus on ourselves as individuals and a species and the corresponding loss of focus of God, at least in society if not in Christian churches themselves, is depressing to me at times.  In a real and odd way, I am conscious of the glory of God and seeing Him ignored or torn down especially by humans, haunts me.

But one day as I was thinking on this, I realized that I was looking at it backwards.

All the world has to throw at God, all the ignoring of Him and befouling of His name and His ways, does not impact God in the least.  He remains high and lifted up in eternity, encompassing all of creation and all of time.

Is sin an affront to God?  He tells us it is.  But does it detract at all from His nature and His glory and His power?  Does the denial of Him by individuals somehow deprive Him of power?  Does the mockery of Him somehow reduce Him to the level of a myth?  Does God somehow wink out of existence because He is extirpated from culture and society?

For all of these, the answer is "No".

I have to remind myself of this more.

God is not bothered (in that sense) by what the world thinks of Him, nor does it change Him in an fashion or form.  Like Lewis' quote above,  we have come to believe that somehow we - as the measure of everything - have power over everything, including the ability to somehow reduce God.  

Like the lunatic, we have come to completely misunderstand both our position and our power. 


  1. Nylon126:08 AM

    "Does God somehow wink of existence"..... the word "out" missing perhaps between the words wink and of, TB? Anyone believing they have power over God is deluding themselves. Safe travels TB.

    1. Thanks Nylon12 - I can look at it 10 times and still miss something.

      We are indeed living in a grand delusion.

  2. We see similar things. The current stripe of Christian music is thin and weak. It is full of I this and I that... me me me me. I remember hymns written to impart doctrine (truth) to the illiterate. How meaty and rich it is. They focus on God and His activity.

    The focus on self is really the sin of Job... and Lucifer. Losing focus on He Who is holy, true, just and eternal is the way to ruin.

    1. Agreed, Nylon12. “Written to impart doctrine” - yes, that was the whole point of them. The current crop really has nothing to compare to.

      We have indeed become a self focused people.

  3. I agree with you, TB.
    However I would suggest the song "Same God" by Elevation Worship, and "More Than Able" by Elevation Worship, as songs that do elevate God and Praise Him.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  4. Most atheists believe in God, they just hate him.

    1. Interesting John. I had not thought of it that way before.


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