Saturday, April 13, 2024

Be One

 "Now your remaining years are few.  Live them, then, as though on a mountain-top.  Whether a man's lot be cast in this place or that matters nothing, provided that in all places he views the world as a city and himself its citizen.  Give men the chance to see and know a true man, living by Nature's law.  If they cannot brook the sight, let them do away with him.  Better so, than to live as they live.

Waste no more time on arguing what a good man should be.  Be one."

- Marcus Aurelius,  Meditations, Book 10,  Sections 15 and 16


I cannot ultimately control the world or the things that occur to me from outside of me.  What I can control is how I live and how I act and the example that I present.  This, anyone can do for free and without training.  It merely takes the moment by moment decision to live (or Live in Truth, as Solzhenitsyn would say).


  1. It my remaining years are few, I think I would prefer to live them in a sheltered valley full of colors, sounds and easier walking that being up high and exposed on a mountain top.

    1. I tend towards comfort as well, Ed. That said, I think Aurelius is more referring to being visible as a good man by height, not necessarily freezing by exposure.

  2. "Waste no more time on arguing what a good man should be. Be one." TB, I love a good quote, but I think the whole thing summed up in the above line pretty much nails it. And your bit is clear. I think Marcus Aurelius uses way too many words for me to be sure what exactly he is saying - until he finally says it. Yes, I'm guilty of that too. But I don't expect anyone will be quoting me a couple of thousand years from now. :)

    1. Becki, I have to remind myself that Aurelius was really writing for himself and the fact that his work survived was a bit accidental (I do wonder, in the back of my head, how his personal diaries got published anyway.

  3. No idea what my shelf life is now. Everyday is a gift. My aim is to be salt and light. I like the word winsome. Using God's gifts for His work. Living the life He gives in a way that encourages and strengthens those around. I want to be that man. With His enable-ment, I am that man.

    1. STxAR - In point of fact, not one of use really knows our shelf life anymore. To your point, we should be the best we can be now and today, because tomorrow is not foresworn to us.

  4. Anonymous6:03 AM

    I aim to be indigestible. So far, so go--


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