Friday, April 05, 2024

Weekend Walkabout, New Home 2.0 Edition

One of the things I am currently enjoying (and think I will continue to enjoy) about New Home 2.0 is that it is a very walkable place.  Beyond just being close to the train station downtown, we will be 0.3 miles from the church I went to for Easter Sunday (if we decide to go there) and only about 2 miles from my job - which, I as I checked on the weekend, has sidewalks all the way there and could be done (at least, in the good weather).  They also have some wonderful and pretty attainable paths for hiking.


  1. Wonderful photos, TB. It looks like it will be a lovely place when everything starts growing. Bonus points for being hiking and walking friendly! Where I live, many of the roads are narrow and with little to no shoulder, so not so friendly for hiking or biking.

    1. Thanks Leigh - and yes, I am very excited about the outdoor possibilities. To your experience, New Home had similar issues beyond our suburban neighborhood - you could walk there, but really nowhere else.

  2. Nylon127:01 AM

    Ah! Blooms on trees! Very nice to see color on the landscape TB. Walking to and from work, that'll help to decompress if there's the need.

    1. It is nice for me as well, Nylon12 - I am not used to this kind of color either.

      I estimate a walk will take about an hour - a very good time to decompress (as well as get those steps in!).

  3. I've always said you can visit a city as many times as you like by vehicle but you never truly see it for what it is until you do so on foot. It is always a totally different perspective.

    1. I am not a fan of cities necessarily Ed, but you do seem to be on to something.

  4. Replies
    1. It really is, Sarge. Seeing all this green is a balm to my soul.

  5. Lovely pictures, TB. What a nice time of year to move. People out and about - much easier to meet some neighbors, perhaps. We moved to our new home the week before Thanksgiving. Just in time for cold weather to settle in and everyone to shut themselves up inside for the next four months.

    1. Becki, I am exceptionally lucky in when I am moving. My understanding is that Autumn and Winter are going to be much more difficult in terms of getting out and about.


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