Saturday, August 12, 2023

Gone Hiking 2023: Main Hike

 Dear Friends,

As you are reading this, I am in a car on my way to the Main Hike.

If all goes well (at least in theory), we will be on the trail for total of 6 days (including two half days) covering somewhere around 50 miles, including a day ascending and descending a mountain which is not quite as high as Mt. Whitney was last year at 14,505 feet above sea level.

The hiking group we go with considers this their most challenging hike - The Whitney hike was both higher and farther, but this hike involves going up on a trail that they have discovered (e.g., no nicely maintained National or State park trail).

The Outdoorsman spoke with the hike director today.  I was a little concerned from the amount of snow I saw in some of their videos (given our experience in June).  Snow, he said, is not a concern - but get ready for plenty of water crossings and mosquitos.

Mosquitos can be managed.  Water crossings:  not a fan.

On the hike this year will be not only myself and The Outdoorsman, but his future son-in-law The Brit.  Given that at least three other people we know that were going had to drop out, I am not sure how big the team will be.  Regardless, it will be an adventure.

In my absence, I have left a series of posts as per usual. My responses will of course be delayed; likely we will not be in anything like InterWeb range until Thursday afternoon and if past performance is any indicator of the future, Friday and Saturday will be slow days.  

I will say - and this is really is a credit to all here - leaving the blog for a week at a time now feels a great deal like just leaving with the house unlocked and telling folks to take what they need:  I always return to a residence that is just as I left it.  As always, thanks for minding the rules and minding the store.

God willing and the creek does not rise (and that second point may be in doubt), I will see you all in a week or so.


  1. Nylon125:54 AM

    Good luck, have fun and watch where you put each foot TB. Looking forward to more photos.

    1. Thank you Nylon! Trust me, I am as careful as they come.

  2. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I'll finish catching up with The Collapse. Be careful, be safe but take some plastic bags to keep your socks dry. Two men were talking at bridge on Tuesday about fly fishing and one mentioned this to his friend.

    1. Thanks, and hopefully everything up to last yesterday's installment is there now.

      Dry socks at night are wonderful. Especially where we went, water crossings happen.

  3. Be safe. Enjoy your time with God. God bless you all.

  4. "Leaving the blog" I got a chuckle out of that. But it's for a good cause - an adventure! Just stay safe!

    1. Leigh, it did strike me as odd too, although I have to admit that over the last few years I have become really comfortable just leaving "comments on" without worrying if things are going to go off the rails. I really do have the best readers.

  5. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Enjoy your time off. More hiking - don't forget to leave a trail of breadcrumbs to get back.

    1. Thank you - And fortunately, we had guides with us. We spent some time off trail and I can see where getting lost might be a thing.

  6. I hope by the time you read this, all is well and you are crafting future posts of the hike.

    1. I am Ed - and you are right; even as I was hiking I was thinking "How am I going to make a post out of this?" It is an easy habit to slip into.


Comments are welcome (and necessary, for good conversation). If you could take the time to be kind and not practice profanity, it would be appreciated. Thanks for posting!