Wednesday, August 23, 2023

German Philosophers Be Like...

Friends, I am on a short term (one day) business trip within the state that New Home is in - to be frank, I am a little in shock because for the first time in as long as I can remember, a company actually suggested that paying for flights for the team was a better investment than sitting for hours in a car.

Good heavens, people that actually value time.  What a concept.

In lieu of anything more thoughtful, I present the picture below.  It made me laugh and really does reflect how I think German philosophers see the world:

Have a most excellent day!


  1. Thank you for that!

    Sounds like you've stumbled upon working for a company that actually has common sense! Amazing!

    1. Leigh, when I saw this it made me snort. This was so indicative of every impression I have of German Philosophers.

      It was truly amazing. I did not even think of flying when I made the visit appointment as I so used to being told "no" to such things.

  2. For me, flying has become something similar to getting a root canal. I would go to great lengths to avoid it and the misery that I feel when navigating their system. Now if my employer put me in business or first class, I might reconsider.

    1. Ed, I have been doing it regularly since The Plague at this point so it is (almost) second nature. The flight is only an hour all told, but an hour up and back will save us 7 hours or more of driving.

  3. Nylon126:36 AM

    Will wonders never cease TB?

    1. Nylon12, even I can still be surprised from time to time.

  4. When I travel, I usually come home with more than I took. Flying would severely limit my gravity conservation efforts. ;) There is a lot to say about flying to get work done, though.

    Once upon a time, I booked a flight and a rental car in New Orleans. I fixed the radio system with little more than a pair of pliers. A nice lunch at a swanky Cajun place, then back to home base that afternoon. I felt like a business tycoon.

    1. STxAR, both myself and a coworker commented on the fact that traveling with just a computer bag/backpack was the lightest we had traveled in years. I do not know that it would work all the time, but arguably it made for an efficient use of the day.

  5. For most German philosophers, I'd agree, and add most French (especially the existentialists). But one of my favorite epigrams is about books from Schopenhauer: "...would that we could buy the time to read them in."

    1. Greg, to be fair to the German Philosophers I have but a passing acquaintance with them and (as with any sort of thing) there always gems to be plucked out (I have some from Goethe). That said, they often come across as dour in my mind.

  6. Safe travels, TB.
    You all be safe and God bless.


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