Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Tolkien On Trees


(If you wonder, I completely identify with the Ents.)


  1. I’m with you.

    1. ODG, it saddens me that I did not appreciate trees as I ought younger in life. Not that I was their enemy; just that I was not their firm ally as I should have been.

  2. Nylon127:42 AM

    Now I can see why the Ents came out as they did.

    1. Nylon12, this was a very revealing quote to me as well. I had no idea he felt this way - but the Ents are now completely explained.

  3. Sometimes they are a bit too rigid and cause themselves a lot of trouble in the forest by ignoring the pleas of others.

    1. PP, the Ents are actually some of the most interesting characters in Tolkien's world. There is only one reference to them in The Silmarillion. They are revealed in Lord of The Rings to be one of the most powerful races in terms of strength, but essentially did not use their power for something like 5,000 years, content to dwindle and hide. Knowing Tolkien, there was a huge backstory to them that we never see.

    2. They should have practice better wife control and they wouldn't have died out :) can't just let the women run off like that a bit of urgency is sometimes a good thing.

  4. I suggest a reading of Joyce Kilmer's poem, Trees.


    1. Hey! I know that poem - or at least part of it! Thanks for the reminder John.

    2. You are welcome.
      Kilmer was killed in action during the First World War.

    3. I read that as well - had no idea.

  5. Tolkien was a fascinating character (and a tutor to my sister-in-law when she was a student at Oxford), and as I understand it the Lord of the Rings was his attempt to create the kind of legend for England that mirrored the Norse legends.

    1. Wow Will - How cool would that have been!

      That is my understanding as well. And why it "works" so well is that he literally spent almost his whole life writing and refining it.


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