Sunday, December 11, 2022

Moon Set And Sun Rise

The full Moon falling

fails to capture the sight

of Sun's forerunner.



  1. Nylon128:11 AM

    With all the snow on the ground the full moon since Wednesday really lit up the landscape once daylight goes.

    1. Nylon12, Uisdean Ruadh and I were just talking last week about how much brighter the moon seems where there is no ambient light. The moon has always been that bright; we just do not notice it anymore as we are so used to city lights.

  2. Beautiful photos TB and a lovely haiku! I was lucky to see the Full Moon last week on a clear night, it really lights up the world!

    1. Rain, I am surprised how bright it without city lights around. We forget that.

  3. 30 years ago around me the nights were so dark and lights at night so distinct people passing thru would just pull over on the side of the road and stare in wonder. I know cause I would often stop to see if they were broke down and they would tell me what they were doing. Now there are so many people around here no one cares anymore.

    1. PP, we still have most of the night sky, but towards the town I grew up in, the glow is definitely there. It is unfortunate.

  4. Gorgeous photos of God's creation, TB. Thank you.

    1. Linda, it often feels as if daily when I am there, I am the fortunate recipient of such beauty.


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