Sunday, February 07, 2021


Of all the things that I want out of the unpleasantness that last year - and really the last series of years - it is this.

The reality is that defeat only sticks if one allows it to stick.  That does not mean it is not a tough slog, nor that it is something for which there are many milestones that go unrecognized except by those that are performing them.  

At the same time - and at some level, perhaps this indicates my continuing lack of maturity or enlightenment - I want to see this happen.

In a way - maybe in a way I had not thought of - this is some of what the silence that I wrote about earlier is caused by - people rolling up their sleeves and getting on with the business of rebuilding towards an actual better future, not the future as it is prescribed for them.

Most of all - tying back to the quote above - I want this to happen in the presence of those that feel that they have won a great victory, be it personal or professional or religious or political or economic.

Not violent, not vengeful, not angry.  Just solid work that results in real results and makes it very clear that the only thing that was "broken" was their understanding of the situation.


  1. Sir, I’ve been reading your blog for a while now but this is the first time I’ve commented. May I commend your wise observation and thank you, because I’m reading it at a point in my life, too, where it is most pertinent. Solid work towards real results - in peace, determination, and without fuss and ado. All best wishes to you.

    1. Denise, thank you so very much for your comment. I cannot tell you how much this has meant to me, today of all days.

      All writers write in hopes that we are read. I am incredibly grateful that this has made a difference in your life.

  2. Love this post, TB. Will find a way to share it. Be safe and God bless.

    1. You are most welcome Linda. Happy it was helpful.

  3. If you have time around taking care of family matters sometime, can you email me at the email on my profile? I would like to discuss raising rabbits. Now these would be food rabbits, so if you don't want to I am fine with that. God bless you with strength and knowledge for all you and your family are going through. *hugs* and God bless.

    1. Linda, e-mail sent. Happy to share what I know.

  4. For me, when I am defeated, I find a good nights sleep is often the cure and the following day I would return to the fight with renewed vigor.

    1. Ed, sometimes a good night's sleep is just the thing to return to the fight.

  5. Very powerful stuff TB. I am currently going through this on a personal level. Someone thought they broke me. Not only will I not allow it, I will rebuild and not even pay them any mind. It's their issue. If they think they broke me, so be it, I know otherwise. Of course all of this is easier said than done when emotions are involved.

    1. Thanks Rain!

      I think one of the reason I love this quote is that it works on so many levels.

      Emotions make things ever so much difficult, does it not? I can write these things with emotion, as if somehow it is a straight road. It is not, really - it is a winding path with setbacks and successes. As long as the successes outnumber the setbacks, we are moving forward.

  6. One is reminded of the Latin "finis coronat opus."
    Who amongst us can truly know when the mountain will be climbed,
    yet we ever rise.

    1. Indeed Just So. Fall down seven times, rise up eight.


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