Thursday, October 17, 2019

A Few Words

This past weekend, I was out at Highland Games throwing away with the assortment of human debris that we call the Super Masters (Over 50 Men's throwers).  One of the great things about this particular games is that I get see a friend who can only come when we throw on Sundays (he is a business owner and that is his one day off).  I enjoy spending time with him and look forward to when I can.

Sometime, mid-games, we are standing out in the throwing field waiting for our turn to bring the implement in (in Highland Games, this is called "Shagging".  I have absolutely no idea why).  He asks me "How are things going?"

For a second - for a single second - I think about giving my typical response of "Oh, fine".  But I do not.  Instead, I give him a summary of the last three weeks and tell him that I really need to make a change.

He does not question.  He merely asks "What is that plan?"

I shrug a bit.  "I do not have many opportunities in my industry.  So no idea."

"So planning is the plan?"

I nod.

The next day I texted him and let him know how glad I was to see him.  His response?  "I appreciate the trust your conversation suggests.  No doubt in my mind you will conquer this unexpected situation."

I cannot tell you how encouraging this very brief conversation and text were to me. 

Sometimes the very simplest of listening and affirmation can do great things.


  1. You're so right about that. And good for you for taking the plunge and not giving the usual "oh, fine" response! A little validation is very motivating!

  2. This post is extremely heartening. One of those rare interactions that speaks to the very soul and spirit. A providential nudge, I'd say.

  3. Listening is an art form, and practically extinct. Too many merely wait for another to finish speaking so they can spout their next bon mot, witticism, commentary, or other unwanted opinion.

    I'm glad you have such a friend. He's a rare gem, these days.

  4. Rain, to be perfectly honest that is very unlike me. But I am very glad I did.

  5. Thank you Leigh! It was certainly very encouraging to me.

  6. Reverend, it is. To be honest, this a little more involved than I have been with him - really, with a lot of people - in a long time. I count myself fortunate that he is who is.


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