Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Done With Entertainment

So last night I was watching one of my Animes on Netflix that I have come to watch.  At this point it had become a little bit tiresome and was dragging on, but I was sticking with it to the bitter end.  And then, just like that, it ended - on an radically modern correct note.

And I was done.

This absence from media has been a great boon to me, although a struggle as well.  But as I think about it, this has become the next logical step.

Entertainment, it seems, is always reflective of the age in which is was created.  And media for last 10 years at least has definitely come to reflect society as a whole.

I cannot, in good conscious, support it any more.

And so, I am done.

Two aspects of this, really. The first is that I am done - really done - with Netflix and Hulu.  If I do not own it, I will not watch it.  Which means I will be watching a lot less.

The second is that my timespan of watching just shrank a great deal.  Pretty much anything prior to 1985, I suppose.  Maybe occasional exceptions - one of my favorites The Thirteenth Warrior was made in the 1990's - but on the whole, I stop there.

The good news is, I just got a great deal of my time back.

Yes, I know.  This will not really stop the advance of anything.  Society will continue on with its business and ignore me by my lack of support.

Strangely enough, I find myself more and more okay with this.  It may be a bubble, but I find it to be one that I can function in and focus on what really matters.


  1. I think you’re right TB. I’d love to go to a movie again and get lost in the story the way I used to. They were always over way too fast, so you’d think them over later on while ya did your chores, and the time you spent on chores evaporated too because of it too.

    I’ve dropped as well. There is nothing to be done about the people pushing this stuff. There is no point in arguing with them or trying to reason or compromise with them. It’s propaganda and conditioning not meant for you - but for younger more vulnerable minds.

  2. Congratulations! Enjoy what matters to you more now. 🐰

  3. Glen, it honestly seems to border just on propaganda at this point. I really just want a good story, not an agenda.

    It is sad, really. In 100 years most of these will be irrelevant because they preached a message rather than told a story.

  4. Thanks Linda! Trying to invest wisely...

  5. don't know that it reflects society as much as it is a tool used to shape society--poison a drop at a time will kill eventually.

  6. I wonder if it is both Deborah - it is indeed a tool, but it also reflects our mores, social interests, and morals. Watch movies from 70 years ago and it almost seems like a different planet now.


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