Sunday, February 17, 2019

A Blessing Prayer

Be the eye of God dwelling with you,
The foot of Christ in guidance with you,
The shower of the Spirit pouring on you,
Richly and generously.
God's peace to you,
Jesus' peace to you,
Spirit's peace to you
And to your children,
Oh to you and your children,
Each day and night
Of your portion in the world.

The compassing of the King of life be yours,
The compassing of loving Christ be yours,
The compassing of Holy Spirit be yours 
Unto the crown of life eternal
  Unto the crown of life eternal.

The guarding of the God of life be on you,
The guarding of loving Christ be on you,
The guarding of Holy Spirit be on you
Every night of your lives,       
To aid and enfold you
Each day and night of your lives.

- Carmina Gadelica (Alexander Carmichael) from Celtic Devotions (Calvin Miller)


  1. It is a lovely prayer and so different from most of the prayers heard today.

  2. Is it not lovely Leigh? I am saddened we no longer practice this kind of poetic praying but rather just throw everything out in a jumble.


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