Saturday, February 16, 2019

A Few Words from...Theopompus, King of Sparta

(Note;  Theopompus was a late 8th Century/Early 7th Century King of the Eurypontid line)

-  To the person who asked him what was the safest way for a king to maintain his rule, Theopompus said: "By permitting his friends to be properly frank, while so far as he is able not overlooking injuries to his subjects."

- To the stranger who was claiming that among his own citizens he was called a friend of Sparta, Theopompus said:  "It would be better for you to be called a friend of your fellow citizens than a friend of Sparta."

- When the ambassador from Elis stated that the citizens had dispatched him for the specific reason that he alone emulated the Spartan way of life, Theopompus said:  "And which of the two ways of life is better Elean - yours, or that of your fellow citizens?"  When he declared that his was, Theopompus said:  "How then could this city of yours keep itself safe when among a numerous population there is only one brave man?"

- When someone was saying that Sparta was preserved by her kings' talent for command, Theopompus said:  "No, rather by her citizens' readiness to obey."

- When the Pylians voted him quite exceptional honors, Theopompus wrote back:  "While time will magnify moderate ons, it obliterates excessive ones."

- Plutarch On Sparta (Translated by Richard J.A. Talbert)


  1. Interesting sayings. Can you expound any? (I think that is the right word.)

    Hope you are doing well!

  2. Linda, the Spartans were renowned for their short and pithy speech (the word "laconic" is drawn from Lacedaemon, the name of the area that Sparta was in). In each case, Theopompus is pointing out something that the speaker is either not aware of or is intentionally ignoring.

  3. I see. Thank you, TB.

    Crazy weather coming this week. Be safe!

  4. Thanks Linda! Cold rain today, then 20 degrees warmer tomorrow. Crazy indeed.


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