Tuesday, October 16, 2018

On Churches And Throwing

This last weekend I traveled to East T for a throwing competition.  This was the first time I have been that far east in this, our adopted state (for the record, it is quite green and pleasant - not at all like the image most people have of the state).

The games were actually part of a Scottish festival on, of all things a church campus.

Now, we throwing folks are not a particularly devout group.  The language that floats about on the field is, well, something that is inevitably reminded about in the throwing rules under "This is a family event.  Swearing is to be kept to a minimum".  So it was a little surprising that it would be on a church grounds.

More surprising?  This is actually an outreach of the church.

I heard it both from one of the athletes out throwing as well as from (what I assume) was a pastor:  this was an outreach event of this church - in fact, they had stopped another event to provide more funding for this one. 

Why?  The pastor said:  "This is a way to get people to a church which they would otherwise not go to.  It is a way to reach people we could not otherwise reach".

This is the first time I have heard of a church doing this.  But I thoroughly approve of it.

Do I think it will make a major difference?  Not sure.  But if one person is saved because we went out and threw yesterday, it is completely worth it.

This is a fantastic demonstration of innovative thinking on the church's part.  Would that more would follow in its path.


  1. I think that is an excellent idea tagging on other activities to a church organisation. We often have an 'after service' get together at one of the congregation's homes, which brings the church community together.

    I am sorry to be a dimmo, but what is it that yo throw?

  2. Vera, this was (in my mind) a first in that I have never known a church to actively sponsor such an event. It is an excellent way to involve the church in the larger community. After service events are another excellent way - in both cases, it is disrupting some of the inherent insularity of the church into the world.

    By throwing, it is Highland Games - rocks, weights, cabers and sheaf. I am not particularly skilled at it but it is fun.


Comments are welcome (and necessary, for good conversation). If you could take the time to be kind and not practice profanity, it would be appreciated. Thanks for posting!