Wednesday, August 07, 2024

On Breaking: Thanks

 One of the things that I have been a fan of over the years is something that smart people call The Social Internet.  It is the idea that, unlike how the InterWeb is used often these days to attack and belittle, it can actually act as a unifying force to both to share information and give support, especially in a world where due to mobility the standard sorts of connections of family and friends we had in yesteryear are pulled apart.  When it works, it works beautifully.

And so, thank you.

Thank you for letting me effectively collapse on line.  Thank you for taking the time to read and comment (and I know everyone that reads is not necessarily comfortable commenting).  Thanks for the encouragement and support.

As always, thank you for the support of the blog.

I consider myself to have one of the best commentariat (And readatariat as well, although I just made that up) who conduct themselves accordingly per the rules of the house. And can be really decent when opinions diverge.

Thank you for giving me a reason to get up and write every day.


  1. I am compelled to read and write blog posts. If I couldn't, I'm quite sure I would just implode.

    1. Ed, at least for me this comment wins the InterWeb for the day. Like you, at this point I simply cannot imagine what my day would be like if I did not read and write.

  2. Nylon128:08 AM

    Yours is among a few blogs I make a point of reading early each morning, being retired the time is there to fill. OAFS, ERJ, Peter Grant, you, all offer thoughtful content and the readers provide much info and perspectives. What you've shared here TB and your audience as well is a fine thing, there's a lot to be said for having access to knowledge and a safety valve to let off steam.......... :)

    1. Wow Nylon12! That is pretty elevated company to be in. Thank you!

      Probably in more ways than I understand or know, this is a form of therapy. So thanks for being a great therapist!

  3. I second Nylon 12, I follow the same blogs, though not necessarily first thing in the morning. Thanks for sharing your creativity, imagination and life with us.
    It's nice to get a dose of heritage America, the way it should/used to be.

    1. Thank you T_M! Grateful you found me here and enjoy the content.


Comments are welcome (and necessary, for good conversation). If you could take the time to be kind and not practice profanity, it would be appreciated. Thanks for posting!