Wednesday, May 08, 2024

New Home 2.0 Updates - May

 In the ongoing planning of relocating to New Home 2.0, there are three updates.

The first - or at least the most immediately relevant one in my case - is that my automobile arrived on Monday.  In a way, it was a little bit of a hilarious drop off in that the driver, who was in phone contact with me, unloaded the car in the parking lot, took some pictures, handed me his phone to acknowledge and sign, and then left.  Never once did he ask for any identification - I guess assuming that if I had showed up I was the right person?  Or, given the nature of the transport - a decade plus years old Mazda - the likelihood that anyone would show up falsely is shockingly low?

Either way, I am glad to have my automobile back.  The sense of being able to go somewhere when I want is intoxicating.

The second item is that we have a packing date in early June for moving items.  It will be right after I am home one last time to go through things, which I am exceedingly grateful for as having looked at the apartment we actually have and the climate, I have some additional rounds of cuts to make.  They will come in and start packing the day after I return to New Home 2.0; they estimate 4 to 11 days for the shipment to arrive here.  If all goes well, The Ravishing Mrs. TB will be able to be here to help me unpack everything and get it set up. Hopefully by the beginning of July, this will actually be a home.

The third item is an update on The Ravishing Mrs. TB's job.  

She has spoken with her current employer and while they will hire someone new to do 80% of her job, there is still 20% of it that they would like her to retain.  To that end, they are going to continue to employ her in a part time capacity (10 to 15 hours a week?) to do this part.  The transition date is now set for late September (she had a pre-planned trip, so she will leave for that trip and return as a part-time employee).  That said, we are not sure when she will permanently relocate to New Home 2.0, given that the latter part of the year has several holidays for which we have not fully planned yet.

But things are definitely moving forward.  For which I am thankful.


  1. I guess I've been fortunate that for every single one of my moves, I have either been single or only one of us was employed at the time so we didn't have to juggle moving a household AND two careers.

    1. Ed, it was probably equally complicated for the last move. The Ravishing Mrs. TB's job was much more part time, but Na Clann were in school. This time at least they can be left out of the moving equation, but the second job is definitely a factor. I feel for those where both have pretty equal or better jobs and someone has to make a choice.

  2. At least there are tangible steps in place now. Uncertainty is not a fun temptation.

    1. Leigh, it is not. I forget how much of a process this is. By the time this is fully done, we could easily be six months beyond my initial move. That is a long time to be setting things up.

  3. Nylon128:47 AM

    One step back to normal, eh? Wheels back in your possession and independence regained! All those moving boxes will be there before you know it TB.

    1. Nylon12, it is a big step back to normal. Rather empowering.

      I shudder at the second round of getting ready to pack. I will have to be brutal with myself on what can come.

  4. Glad you got your wheels, TB! I don't envy the packing and and moving, but it is a great opportunity to do a life sort. We stayed in our last home for 23 years. That was a LOT of life to sort through. Hopefully our next move will be much easier.

    1. Becki, it was (literally) life changing.

      We are going through the same thing now - 11 years in this house, 14 years in the area. The sorting continues.


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