Saturday, May 25, 2024

8 Weeks In

This weekend represents my eighth week living in New Home 2.0, more or less the two month mark excluding my two week trip to Turkey.  I simply have nothing to complain about.

In terms of my job, I am finding my way into my role.  Part of that is working through what our role is as a department in a fairly new start-up system and space.  Part of that is finding where I can both fit in and add the most value.  Somewhat interestingly - at least to myself - it is not primarily in the Quality aspect; there are fellow employees that have much longer time served with this company and know its systems much more intimately than I do.  Where I do bring value is my Project Management experience:  apparently setting schedules and resource management is a skill which it turns out is needed, even if not in a formal project management format.

The apartment is not really "coming together" any faster - as there still remains little enough here to rise to the level of "coming together".  I bought myself an air mattress (which can double for hiking purposes) as my major furniture upgrade.  And interestingly enough, even though I do not have that much here, the stacks in my closet shelf continue to grow.

Not a lot of closet space here - something to bear in mind.

In terms of this feeling like home, I am not quite there yet.  Likely this is due to the fact that my schedule here has been unsettled:  three weeks in a hotel, two weeks away, three weeks, my mother's funeral, another two weeks and a trip back to New Home followed by another trip back home a month later.  There is not fully a sense of being in place here; I still feel strung between locations.

My trip home in two weeks, besides the opportunity to train in Iaijutsu, will be to make one more pass at what we are bringing before the movers come.  Having seen the apartment, I can much more easily visualize the space we have available - see, for example, the above comment above comment about closet space.  I simply have to start making some hard choices on non-essentials.

Finally, we are starting to get an idea of when The Ravishing Mrs. TB will locate here full time, likely in September or October.  Just having that date means we have something to set our targets on.

So on the whole, things are going about as well as could be expected - or perhaps even a little better than expected.  And frankly, the 20-30 F degree drop in Summer temperatures makes the whole thing a little bit easier.


  1. Nylon127:52 AM

    Yah, that feeling of "Home" gets battered when the longest you've been in one spot is three weeks, small wonder. Well, the difference in temps helps as does settling in at work.

    1. Nylon12, I had not thought until I wrote this of how spread out I have been. Someone could argue, I suppose, that this is little different than my previous existence of being out at The Ranch one week a month. It is different in my mind, if for no other reason than in both places I had a sense of place. Here, there is still very much the sense of impermanence.

  2. I envy you your cooler temps, TB.
    It will come.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Linda, it is honestly hard for me not to envy them too. This is such a change from the last 15 years.

  3. The cooling temperatures and entire new environmental zone would be something to look forward too. I have never been too far out of my zone except on vacations and I always find it kind of magical to see life, flora and fauna, in other zones.

    1. It really is, Ed. And the blooms here are amazing. I am not used to such a profusion of flowers so late in the year.

  4. Glad to read that your experience has been mostly good, TB. It's hard to believe that it has been nearly two months since you began life in New Home 2.0, but reading all that has gone on, I'm kind of amazed all that fit into just two months.

    1. Becki, it really has been a whirlwind tour of life. The whirlwind continues for about 1.5 months more, after which things should calm down immensely.


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