Monday, February 07, 2022

A Thanksgiving And A Request

The Thanksgiving:

I have often been willing to share my concerns about the overall stability of my job, as well as some of the issues I have faced with it over the years.  Therefore, it only seems right that when something good happens, I should mention that as well.

I received a bonus this year.

This was completely and totally unexpected:  as part of A Sort of Hammerfall (my unanticipated job and career transfer in March 2020) I was essentially frozen in place financially. It was certainly not the worse outcome, and there are enough other reasons for me to stay, but the benefit of reward for effort was removed from the table beyond "a rising of tides bringing all ships up" sort of scenario.  

But my boss, and the boss of my boss, interpreted last year as different than the year before.  Or, at least, they were willing to push the envelope.  And pushing the envelope in this case went in my favor.

This was completely unexpected - and, as you can imagine given the course of last year and this, extremely welcome.  The fact that I feel like it was based both on results as well as confidence from my management in my abilities is almost as welcome as the money itself (Almost.  To quote Moliere, I like the sort of appreciation that jingles in my pocket).

The Request:

The Ravishing Mrs. TB mentioned to me this weekend that a back and side pain she has been suffering had been troubling her for a great deal longer than she was letting on.  If you have a prayer or thought to spare for her healing, it would be appreciated.


  1. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Prayers for your Better Half done - I hope its nothing serious. Is she aware of what or when the injury began ? I began a bout with sciatica doing 'stupid men tricks' that sounds like what might be happening.

    Lifted too heavy a weight by myself, compounding the error by twisting at the waist while doing so. Very dumb on my part. My pain was high right buttock / waist line, the direction of the twist. No pain when seated, but walking and standing for long periods of time really took a toll. I finally beat it with no surgery or doctor's visit, but it took several months. A topical cream called Voltaron really helped, moreso than Biofreeze Gel.

    I hope she finds real relief soon.

    1. Anonymous - Thank you so much for the prayers (and your sobriquet of her, "my Better Half", is more spot on than you know). I hope is is nothing too serious either - she could not pinpoint an incident that originated it.

      Your comment about weight lifting and pain hit home - just yesterday I was doing deadlifts, felt a twinge in my knee - and reset and finished the set instead of stopping there. no damage that I can tell, but my knee is sore. Stupid men tricks indeed.

    2. There is an otc copy of Voltaren which is a prescription med and works wonders. Had a bad reaction to a anesthetic and middle of night got out of bed and was charged across the room and crashed into the side of a dresser. Found that bone bruises are very painful so Dr. prescribed Voltaren. But I'm also a fan of chiropractors for what Mrs TB's type of pain.

    3. I have not had a bone bruise but know people that have, and they do not speak well of them at all. A chiropractor may yet be in order.

  2. Pushing the envelope into your pay envelope is a good thing.
    May God bring healing to your wife.

    1. Ed, I have never hard it put that way before - what a wonderful use of words! It was a very good thing - and very unexpected.

      Thank you for the prayers.

  3. Congratulations on the bonus!
    Prayers for Mrs. TB going up!

    1. Thank you sbrgirl! It could not have come at a better time.

      And thank you very much for the prayers.

  4. I'll make time to pray for the best half. No doubt. Make sure the missus knows your groupies are on the job!!

    And I'll pass along thanks for the filthy lucre.

    Watch yourself, this is NOT the time to be laid up. I bumped my right ankle somehow, and it is not happy with me at all. I still don't know what I did to it. I'm gunshy with localized pain after an oddball skin infection on my left ankle came up dangerous a few years back. I'm prone to shoot first and ask later on that kind of thing now.

    1. Thanks STxAR, on both accounts.

      Not the time to be laid up - this had occurred to me as well. Especially with trying to get a doctor's appointment on short notice.

  5. I've never worked somewhere that paid out bonuses, at least to their engineering staff. The only place that really came close was one in which I was a part owner (with a fairly large number of other employees) and as an employee owned company, we were given shares of stock every year to repay the loan and thus along with the annual increase in stock prices, felt like a bonus. Especially in my last handful of years, it often ended up being magnitudes more than my salary so I usually made sure I was sitting when I opened that envelope.

    Prayers for your wife. Back pains are often some of the hardest to diagnose and find relief for.

    1. Ed, the stock option plan usually works out with increases in the stock price, as you note. If not an increase, it can be an "eh, that is nice" moment. In theory, if we ever had a signal success, I would probably turn in my notice. Almost right away.

      Thanks for the prayers. She had a lower back issue last year that she went to physical therapy for, which seemed to resolve. She is also a side sleeper, so that may be an issue too.

  6. TB, is her pain from an injury or did it just show up? My wife had pain in that same area. It was on the right side and radiated to the back. The pain was intermittent and excruciating. Sometimes it was so bad she would pass out! She couldn't eat. She couldn't sleep. Several trips to the ER later, the X-rays finally showed the gallstones... Previous films didn't show them because she still had something in her bowels and it blocked the view. Prayers your way...

    1. Thank you for the prayers Pete.

      Not sure if it is from an injury she had last year or this is something new. I will ask her about the radiation of the pain; her description was her right leg, side, and back.

      Ugh. Gallstones. I can only hope your wife's situation was quickly resolved. I have heard nothing but bad things about any of that, and try to be conscious to eat and drink to try not to add to the situation. The French author Montaigne has a delightful discussion of stones breaking up, using the phrase "peeing gravel". It does not sound delightful...

  7. I think I had a kidney stone a couple weeks ago with similar pain. Add in sciatica, and prayers,indeed will go up for her.

    Praise God for appreciation.

    You all be safe and God bless, TB.

    1. Thanks Linda - and prayers up for you as well!

  8. I belong to a group of praying women. I will enlist their aid in sending up prayers for Mrs. TB. Please keep us posted.

  9. I sorry to read Mrs. TB is having this pain. I will pray. And congratulations on the bonus. Love the quote. "I like the sort of appreciation that jingles in my pocket." Indeed!

    1. Thank you very much Becki, both for the prayers and the congratulations. Moliere the playwright only said what I believe many artists and employees would say in their heart, if not out loud.

  10. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Prayers and best wishes for you, your family and speedy recovery for the Ravishing Mrs TB from a friend in Australia.

    1. Appreciated very much! Hope all is well with you.

  11. Hey TB . . . . I'm behind, again, but congrats on the bonus. Money still talks and it's the best vote of confidence you can give an employee. Praying for Mrs. TB and for you, and hoping you'll give us an update when you know more.

    1. Thanks Bob, and thanks for the prayers. They are much appreciated.


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