Tuesday, November 23, 2021

On Vacation II


Yes, I know what you are thinking:  What? Two vacations in a month?  Has Toirdhealbheach Beucail finally taken leave of his senses?"

Well, I suppose that is always a possibility.   Of course, if I had gone mad, would I really know?

Actually, this is a much deferred (2 year) family vacation that we were supposed to take in 2020 before The Plague ruined that opportunity.  And really, it is the first time in 6 years that we - myself, The Ravishing Mrs. TB, and Na Clann, all five of us - have been able to go on vacation as a family. What with college and away and school and work and all, things have never really fallen into line.

We will be gone for a little under a week to an exciting destination quite different from the one I just returned from, so hopefully I will have another round of exciting adventures to share with you (Again, presuming I do not die).

In the meantime, I have left you (yet) another smattering of this and that for your consideration, and of course the lovely folks over on the right that undoubtedly will continue to write and post while I am away.

So read away, have a wonderful (American) Thanksgiving Holiday, and I shall see you on the backside.


  1. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Have a great time making family memories. We will see you on the flip side.

  2. Enjoy the break TB

    1. John, it will an adventure - but different than the Grand Canyon. Looking forward to it.

  3. One can never have enough vacation time! Enjoy!

    1. Thanks Ed! This much vacation in such a short time seems odd.

  4. Anonymous3:21 PM

    This is what life is really all about. Enjoy every moment.

    Best wishes,


    1. Thank you KA. It is good to take a break sometimes.

  5. You all be safe and God bless.


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