Friday, June 19, 2009

A Useful Tool

We had a client audit yesterday, something which is fairly typical for my industry: clients come in, assess our facilities and our systems, and make a determination whether or not we appear (because after all, they are only a snapshot in time) to be compliant and acceptable for their company's use. We had what sounded like a first for my new employer: an audit by a major company which results in no observations and 4-5 recommendations.

The thing that was really a surprise to me when I went home was how I felt -really good and useful. This after three 12 hour days (two preparation, one audit) was something that I did not expect. Why is this?

Any successful audit, of course, leaves one feeling good. The fact that Quality was praised - and that the President heard and agreed with this statement - is nothing to sneeze at either. But I think the real point for me was the feeling of being useful, of seeing an actual result to all of our effort, to knowing that my opinions and assessments were valued and valuable - like being a tool and being used and knowing that, at that moment, that this is what you were made to do.

Today has come, of course, and fifty other things are sitting on my desk to deal with. But I can now always go back to this moment and say "If I did it here, I can do it again."

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