Tuesday, March 11, 2025

2024 Turkey: Anatolian Museum of Civilization (II)

 A collection of spear points and scrapers:

Sun disc, 1900-2230 B.C.:

Representation of an early forge:

Bull Statue:

Hammers, Jewelry:

Animal figures:

Clay Tablets from Hittite times. This one is a certificate of debt (because debt never really goes away):

A diplomatic latter between two kings:

A certificate of divorce...

And a marriage certificate.



The circular wine vessel is the same as we same being made at Venessa Seramik thousands of years later:

Animal pottery


  1. When I was a kid, we used to take class trips to the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. I only remember how boring it was. Now I find displays of artifacts fascinating.

    The Anatolian Museum seems to have an especially impressive collection. And it seems to have a lot of whole (unbroken) pieces, which is amazing in itself. The certificates are quite something too. Has Turkish language and writing changed a lot over the centuries?

    1. Leigh, I had precisely the same experience growing up. Now, I find it endlessly, fascinating and be grudge. The fact that we have a limited time in these museums.

      The display here was one of the largest I think we have seen outside of perhaps the Acropolis Museum in Athens.

      The Ottoman Empire used Arabic script until it was mandated by Kemal Ataturk.

  2. It is too easy to deem our early ancestors to be without art or have crude skills until one goes to such a museum and see how exquisitely they actually could make things even back then.

    1. Ed, I have come to understand they were limited by materials and knowledge inaccessible to them by their technology of the time, not by their skill, technique, or imagination.

  3. Nylon128:40 AM

    Very interesting photos, especially the clay tablets and what information is on them. Some thing never change do they TB?

    1. We are Human, Nylon12. As a species, we have changed very little.


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