Wednesday, March 05, 2025

2024 Turkey: Anatolian Museum of Civilization (I)

 As hopefully you have seen from these past months, Turkey is a country rich in history - in some ways, perhaps the richest in history I know of (or have certainly been to).  Its history goes back at least 12,000 years, dwarfing anything I have ever been to.  

An attempt to bring that history together is found at the Anatolian Museum of Civilization in Ankara.

The museum encompasses artifacts from all parts of Turkey:  Neolithic, Bronze/Iron Age, Phrygian, Lydian, Greek, Roman - all have representatives here.

Uratu column element, 7th Century B.C.:

Neolithic Tools and weapons:

Reconstruction of an early sedentary house, 9,000 years or so B.C.:

Cave drawings:


  1. Nylon127:41 AM

    Surprised that so many large pieces of pottery survived in the condition they did TB.

  2. Out of curiosity, have the Turkish museums turned their spaces into essentially large playgrounds for children as so many of the U.S. museums have done? It seems pretty rare to find a museum that caters to the intellectual who can focus on a subject for more than 5 minutes.

  3. There is so much of human history centered in Turkey.


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