Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Greece 2023: Delphi III

(Editor's note:  Apparently uploading pictures from your phone works.  Onward and upward!)

The Temple of Athena Pronaia (literally "The One Before") was the temple that would have greeted suppliants on their journey to Delphi.  There was originally a temple complex here, dating from the 7th Century B.C.

Looking back towards the Sacred Way:

Remains of the temple of Athena

The Tholos of Delphi.  At its height, twenty column supported a vaulted roof decorated with friezes and carvings.

The view from the modern town of Dephi, below the ancient site. You can clearly see the bay where the ships would have docked.  The suppliants would have come up through the olive orchards to ascend to Delphi.


  1. Anonymous4:24 AM

    I seem to recall a movie scene from that location (My Life in Ruins - Funny movie !!) but it was the Temple of Apollo, not Athena. A stone with a portal through it was supposed to have been there. The portal allowed a prophet to give advice asked of them.

    Beautiful location - thank you for the pictures of it.

    1. Anon - The Temple of Apollo is "across the road" as it were on the Sacred Way. If you go to last Wednesday's post (08 November 2023) you will see it there.

  2. Nylon125:21 AM

    Man! The size of those stone blocks, only manpower, horse and ox power available. Excellent photos TB....... :)

    1. Nylon12, it is incredibly impressive when you consider the amount of man-hours that were put into these constructions.

  3. What strikes me in your photos is that this site has a lonlier, more abandoned feel to it because of the "weed" growth all around. That seems to add to its mystery.

    1. Leigh, this was across the road and took a bit to get to - and was definitely not nearly as crowded.

      This sort of thing is what I imagine when I think of role playing game adventurers exploring abandoned ruins.


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