Sunday, November 19, 2023

A November Visit To The Ranch And Odds And Ends


A very short trip out to The Ranch this month, just enough time to visit my Mother and make sure the house has sprung no new leaks.  All told wheels down to wheels up, about 48 hours here.

It is not my preferred schedule.  I had originally planned to arrive on Wednesday past, but I received an offer to do an event with my Sensei (and when Sensei offers, you drop what you are doing and go). 

It has a Autumn feel here; the oak leaves are falling off the trees and clogging the driveway (something that needs to be raked up this time out) and it is easily dark by 1800.  The wind is blowing as I write this, the rain having stopped in the immediate locale (thankful, no roof leaks to date).  I will see my Mother and rake leaves and try and pack a few more things before I lumber back to New Home.

Last night's adventure was a trip to Vigil Mass to watch Uisdean Ruadh's young acolytes go through their paces. I am not Catholic of course, but I have enough of a background in Anglican and Lutheran services that I pretty easily blend in.  Dinner was Mongolian BBQ, one of my favorite sorts of food - mostly because it is one of the few restaurants that reliably has lamb.  

This coming week is a rarity I have not really had since July:  even though I am returning on Monday night, I do not work again at Produce (A)Isle until Saturday.  My assumption is that this is do to the Thanksgiving holiday and trying to balance out all the schedules of the people that need to get their full time hours (I am back to 17 hours the following week).  I therefore get a Tuesday night and all of Thursday and Friday off.  Such a surfeit of time not working; I honestly expect it to be filled with naps and some work on projects that I never seem to have time to get to now (including, I think, uploading all remaining photos from Greece and get the skeleton of those posts ready.  Blogger/Google continues to be....difficult).

The New Job is continuing to go well - although we had a "hard reality" town hall this past Friday.  In short, we need to focus on a very specific set of activities to move us to the next phase.  Between now and January (probably February) everything has to be related to that set of tasks.  As a result, all new spending is halted unless it directly relates to those activities.  If it does not go as planned....well, they have a burn rate that they need to hit and they will likely do what they need to to make it. 

In talking about it with The Ravishing Mrs. TB, her comment was "If you get laid off again, maybe it really is a sign".

A sign of what was not really discussed - but yes, probably a sign.


  1. At least they told you what's going on at New Job.

    Enjoy your extra days off! You deserve them.

    1. Leigh, I do appreciate the communication - and the fact that they are very clear on what needs to occur. My last job was burdening with the need to see everything rosily and do nothing - until it was too late.

      Thank you. I intend to heavily invest in...not much. Even trying to clear my writing schedule for the week.

  2. Assuming it is the chain that is scattered around, I try to avoid Mongolian BBQ, not because it isn't tasty, but because I tend to over eat at such places. That is why I typically don't eat a lot of lamb, unless we go to a greek place in the next town over.

    1. Ed, this is actually a local place in my home town - but the overeating is a really danger, so it is is a treat. But yes - Greek and Mongolian cuisine are the only places lamb seems to regularly appear as a non-special dinner.

    2. FWIW, I was referring to Hu Hot. I just googled them and they are apparently in the Midwest.

    3. Ed, I just did the same. Almost completely out of all the geographical areas I am usually around.

  3. I'm with Leigh. My first Spring at Fred's place had all the signs of a sinking ship. But it was just the way they worked. I was freaked out the first few Springs there. I'd had a job sink under me, and I didn't appreciate the fall to the water. Having a possible bolt hole like Old Home would be a comfort to me.

    1. STxAR, the good news (to me) is that they seems to have a very clear understanding of what needs to happen - and I am fortunate enough to be at enough of a level to get an inkling if something goes out of whack a bit early.

  4. Not to disagree with your esteemed wife, TB... but layoffs are now a common reality and job security is unheard of... at least up here in Alberta. (The obvious exception is gubbimint work).

    I wouldn't personalize it; if you get laid off it is just life happening.

    1. Glen, I suspect the comment was made with more than a little tongue in cheek. Still, the consideration might be real if for no other reason than jobs in our locale (at least in my field) are at a premium at the moment.

  5. Nylon127:48 AM

    Sunset today is 1640 and there are plenty of leaves everywhere. Rest up this week TB, enjoy the time off and your loved ones.

    1. Nylon12 - Wow, that sounds really early - but I think your leaves outshine ours.

      I shall endeavor to enjoy the break.

  6. Best wishes on the job situation working out . . . we do live in interesting times.

    1. Thanks John! Here is hoping; I am (to be honest with you) ambivalent at the moment.

  7. I hope you enjoy your extra time this week, TB. And that all stays well for you at New Job.

    1. I really did, Becki. It has been a long time since I have had truly "free" days.

  8. Hope all works out for the best, TB.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Linda, it will inevitably work out for the best, even if I cannot see it from here.


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