Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Greece 2023: Aigae to Kalambaka

 One of the things that one spends a fair amount of time doing on a pre-planned tour is riding on a motor coach through the countryside.

These trips can vary. In Greece, we were "on the road" no more than 3 to 3.5 hours at a single take, as opposed to some trips The Ravishing Mrs. TB has taken, where they are on the road up to 8 hours between stops.  In either case, you end spending more time than you like anticipate - which is not great if your not a person that enjoys riding, but can be great if you are the sort of person that enjoys scenery.

In this case, we were heading south after our visit to Aigae (modern Vergina) to the town of Kalambaka, which sits above the plains of Thessaly and is at the base of the region known as The Meteora, known for its monastaries.

I do not know that I have a lot of commentary on these, other than to say this sort of scenario would not be out of place in parts of the United States that also had a Mediterranean climate:

The rise in rock formations indicated we were getting near to Meteora and Kalambaka.


  1. Nylon126:57 AM

    Good to see some calming scenery, especially after yesterday's thought provoking topic..........:)

    1. Nylon12, it is good to remember that the world is still our there, despite what sometimes seems to be near us.

  2. I am someone who enjoys looking at scenery, especially new to me scenery. Unfortunately, aging hasn't helped as it sometimes triggers motion sickness, especially on tour buses. Medication helps but generally takes me out of the mood of watching scenery go by.

    1. Ed - I enjoy new scenery as well.

      The motion sickness would be hard. It is specifically tour buses or all sorts of transportation? I know people that are impacted by it, but not when they are driving for example.

  3. Lovely scenery. I think just being in a totally unfamiliar place would make it interesting for me.

    1. Leigh, I always find it interesting to see how much of the landscape seems "familiar" to me based on what I know and how much is truly something I am not familiar with.


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