Wednesday, September 20, 2023

2023 Mt. Goddard: Black Cap Wilderness

Typically in writing my hikes, I go in chronological order of days, not in locale.  But for this location - Rainbow Lake, located in the Black Cap Wilderness, I am making an exception.  The views here were beyond magical; they reminded me of Tolkien's writing in The Silmarillion of when Arda was young and untrammeled by evil.

These pictures are evening and morning of Days 4 and 5.  This, for me, made the whole hike worth it.



  1. TB, it looks like an incredibly amazing place. I suspect no words can do it justice (at least none that I can think of!)

    1. Leigh, I hesitate to say "the most spectacular" as 1) I have not been everywhere and 2) Locations should be taken in their context - but it is definitely in the top five.

  2. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Wow, yes the pictures speak more than words can express. Thanks for sharing them with us.

    1. I could hardly believe they were real as I took them.

  3. Looks like a great area to pitch a tent for awhile.

    1. Ed, this is one of those situations where having the luxury of spending the day here would have been great - but not on a planned hike like this.

  4. Nylon127:28 AM

    Those are some striking visual images TB, image five .....can almost hear the Orcs screeching carried by the wind........ :)

    1. If these are not the peaks above Khazad Dum, I do not know what are.

  5. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    1. So welcome, John. Part of the fun of these hikes is sharing such things with others.

  6. Back in my mountaineering days, we would generally do a two or three day hike to an area like that and spend the next several days hiking nearby peaks, interesting areas, or fishing. Then we might do a day hike to a new location and repeat before hiking out. I miss those trips greatly because by the time my kids got old enough to do them, my MIL was living with us an unable to do such things. Maybe when she and the kids are gone, I might do some more hikes like yours, but with a few days of stops in the middle.

    1. Ed, that is something that an independent hike would give you that a programmed hike such as we go on will not. At some point perhaps we can reach a four day training hike schedule, which would give us a little more optionality to do a day's stay somewhere.


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