Friday, May 17, 2019

Good Enough For People


  1. For those people who deem you not good enough, then it is their problem because they do not accept or understand that we are all equal in God's eyes. It is also our problem because we are not understanding that equality either, but if we are, then in our hearts we will pray for the understanding to come into the hearts of those who would put us down. Vx

  2. I am what I am, and I ain't what I ain't. If you like me, fine. If you don't like me, fine. That's the way I live...

  3. I think some people struggle with feeling not liked. Realizing how fickle people can be is a hard lesson to learn. Making that lesson stick is the real challenge.

  4. Very true words.

  5. Vera, I think it is their problem. Or at least I am coming to understand that. There are folks I will never be good enough for.

  6. Pete, I am most like that now myself.

  7. Leigh, I have had a great struggle with that myself as well. The desire to be liked, to be well regarded, is a buried desire deep within my soul. It is not wrong in and of itself, of course - what is wrong is when I let it determine how I act instead of myself.


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