Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Through a Glass Darkly

There are moments which come from time to time which strip away the gauzy veil we put over events in our past and reveal them for the failures they were and the harm they caused.

It is sin -the sin which fools us at the time (but how well, oh how well we know what we are doing) with its soft whispers of this being right, the way things were meant to be. Sometimes the damage is not revealed at the time - it is only years later that the true horror of the damage done in the dark comes to light, like scars in places no-one ever sees because we never show them.

In that moment good intentions matter not; in that moment the situation and words and feelings and the very moment of time of the past are nothing but streamers of the morning dew hit by the rising sun which create the briefest of vapors and then are wafted away; in that moment all excuses and rationalizations are laid bare; in that moment the heart is pierced by the spears of righteousness and what might have been, but no longer can be.

In that moment, the misshapen fruit of a tree which seemed beautiful is placed into your hand with the command to eat, and the taste fills your mouth with bitterness, your throat with raw bile, and your eyes with stinging tears.

In that moment, the ugliness of sin is laid bare.

Why, Oh Why, do we not take sin for the malignant cancer and destroyer that it is?

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