Wednesday, January 15, 2025

New Home 3.0: The Great Arrival of The Ravishing Mrs. TB

 Today marks the formal arrival of The Ravishing Mrs. TB.

For the record, this brings us together (more or less - see below) after approximately 10 months of living apart.  Not consistently, of course - I had made a few trips back and she had made a few trips here and we met at least one time at third location (San Diego).  But by and large, we have been apart.

I have to admit it will be a little bit odd to have someone living in the house with me again.  10 months is enough time to develop your own habits and ways of living -  - my meals, for example, are probably atrocious by the standards of dining in that they tend to consume as little time as possible to make and eat.  And while most of the things are put away not everything is and I have become comfortable living with the disarray (That, also, will likely change).

I say more or less - she is going back to New Home 2.0 in February to take care of some last things before the move, then will be gone a few days in March, then down to Old Home to help her mother, then out to New Home in May, then in June... you get the idea.  "Great Arrival" does not mean "Final Arrival".

It also means - by default - that her former employment will have ended.  Fortunately through my relocation, she has a twelve month support program for resume help and a job search - although she has joking referred to the upcoming year as her "adult gap year".

Still, after 10 months, it will be nice to have here.  Although, I suppose, I will probably have to sit down and really "eat dinner" again...


  1. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I welcome the time my wife and daughter go visit relatives who live far away, but after a couple of days - I really miss them. Bachelor living can be fun, but it isn't really home until you have someone there to share it with.

    I hope you have a great reunion.

    1. Anon - In some ways the last 9 months has been "getting by because I have to" - but yes, it will be nice indeed.

  2. If I could compared photos of my refrigerator during my bachelor days compared to now, people would probably be shocked. I still remember those days of being able to fit everything on the top shelf so that I didn't need to stoop over to retrieve them. Now I find myself stooped over all the time peering through the various containers of this and that to see if I can find "something" to eat.

    1. Ed - We have the same issue. The refrigerator door is loaded with those small condiments and things that one occasionally needs.

      That said, I am sure my wife will be shocked at the paucity of what I have for food.

  3. Nylon129:12 AM

    That's good news TB although you'll have to adjust a bit to another presence in the apartment aaaannd make sure that toilet seat is down........:)

    1. Nylon12 - That, and being a little surer to close the door on the bathroom all the time...

  4. Dang! Sounds like you're in for some rough times! Good thing you're still training and staying in shape, that'll help yer odds...oh yeah, happy reunion!

    1. Thanks T_M! I have every reason to believe I will survive the next few days...

  5. Safe travels and God bless to all.

    1. Thank you Linda. As of this reply, she is on the last leg of her journey.

  6. Eh up TB, tis true that it is very easy to slip into ‘bachelor” life with the absence of your beloved. When G goes to Londonium to visit family just for a few days I almost instantly revert to Caveman John mode feasting on quickly and easily cooked large amounts of meat with little else other than perhaps eggs. It’s just easier and allows me to get on with other stuff. Though there is always the mad rush before her return to tidy and stock the fridge with ‘normal’ fare.

    1. John - You, my friend, are highly accurate. I am sure my current selection of refrigerator and cupboard foods is not actually enough to sustain an actual person who desires something besides what amounts to a monomaniacally easy diet.

      On the bright side, I might get a bit more variety.

  7. I know this is a relief for both of you. I imagine she is ready to leave her old job behind! And I suspect you'll adjust quite quickly. :)

    1. It is, Leigh. And while we will miss the money in the short term, I think in the long term this all works out much better.


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