Tuesday, November 26, 2024

2024 Turkey: Hierapolis (V): The Springs of Hierapolis

I did not quite do the justice to the Springs of Hierapolis that I should have.  Hopefully these videos will convey some of the scope of them.

The water was lukewarm:

Required historical participation at the site (Yup, those are my feet):

Unlike the United States where everything is overly cautious, Europe is much more "There is risk!  It is on you!".  It is a much better approach.  Besides, who knew wet surfaces were slippery?

From the top of the cliffs looking over the valley:

And from the valley floor looking up:


  1. The little video clips are a nice addition to your posts. They give us an idea of sounds and movement that stills can't give.

    1. Leigh, I am really grateful for the video capability on the iPhone. It really allows for such things.

      And yes, the sights and sounds (to me) also really make for a or full experience. Not everything can be conveyed by photos.


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