Sunday, April 07, 2019

On Control Of The Heart

"CHRIST:  My son, you have still many things to learn.

THE DISCIPLE:  What are these, Lord?

CHRIST:  How you must frame your desires in accordance with My good pleasure, and not be a lover of self, but an earnest follower of My will.  Desires often inflame you and drive you violently onward; but consider whether it be My honour or self-interest that moves you most.  If I Myself be the cause, you will be content with whatever I determine; but if self-interest is your hidden motive, this will be a hindrance and burden to you."

The Imitation of Christ, Thomas `A Kempis


  1. Interesting excerpt.

  2. Linda, if you have never read it, I strongly suggest The Imitation of Christ. Although a medieval work its presentation on Holy Living is relevant for today.


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