Tuesday, August 14, 2018

How Not To Create A Unified Christian Witness

(Warning:  Today's message involves both politics and religion.  If you do not care for either or both, might I suggest a happy bunny video?  We will return to our regularly scheduled broadcast tomorrow).

On 06 April 2008 came the moment that unwound Christian unity in the United States.

The candidate at that time - a Democrat - was attempting to respond to why they believed they were suffering in certain demographics, particularly working class voters.  I reproduce the quote here in its entirety:

"They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

The candidate in question eventually apologized for the comment if people were "offended".

But the part I would like to focus on in particular is that word "religion".

The interpretation was clear to anyone who heard the quote.  The speaker was not referring to all religions; he was referring to a particular one, the one held by the people of that demographic:  Christians.

That I am aware, no major Christian denomination that supported that particular candidate or their beliefs was offended by that comment or offered a rebuke.  Not one of them - again, that I recall or since - made a point of stating that while they might disagree with the political views of the "opposite" side, they viewed them as brothers and sisters in Christ.

With this comment - and with the resulting silence - an invisible dividing line appeared amongst denominations and religious groups in America, perhaps never to be undone.

The major contrast, of course, is Christ and His apostles, who never addressed the Christian's view of government - whether it be a good government or a bad one - except to be a good citizen and pray for its leaders.  However, both Christ and His apostles talked rather repeatedly about the brotherhood of Christians and how they were to speak and love each other.

Why this walk to memory lane 10 years later?  Because more and more, I hear the cry for Christians of a particular belief strain to be up in arms about the current state of affairs, that they should be forcefully interjecting themselves into the political arena (as an aside, the first time in a very long time that strain of believing Christian has been encouraged to so so) as a "moral imperative".  Somehow, this lack of action is bringing the very name of Christ into disarray.

View it from the other side, however.  The people who are crying for this action are the very people whom, years ago (and every years since) have actively mocked and laughed and cheered when the "bitter clingers" of Christianity - the religion they themselves proclaim.

Having chose sides- publicly and somewhat brazenly - the moral superiority of their position is undermined.  More importantly - and more devastatingly - the cause of Christ is undermined.

To cling (a deliberate choice of words) to a candidate or position is to abandon your own witness.  50% of the people will agree with you and 50% will consider you a raging lunatic.  But 100% of the people will see you not solely as a Christian:  they will see you as a liberal or a conservative that happens to say you are a Christian.

John MacArthur, whom I consider to be one of the great teachers of the last 50 years, never makes a political statement.  He steadfastly brings everything back to Scripture and the need of salvation and repentance for everyone, liberal and conservative.

That is the mission of the Church.  Anything less makes it a political action committee that divides, not unites.


  1. Anonymous8:26 AM

    "I hear the cry for Christians of a particular belief strain to be up in arms about the current state of affairs"

    What belief strain are you talking about?


  2. Jeff, in this particular case it is the recent cry for Evangelicals to uncategorically reject and not support the current President because his behavior, morals, and speech do not conform to the Christian ethos.

  3. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Have you been following Qanon?


  4. To be honest Jeff, not really. I am vaguely aware of it/them, but not a great deal more than that. Is there something that is related? Because that would be interesting to hear.

  5. Anonymous8:15 AM

    First, like you I am a follower of Christ, I only put my trust in Jesus. I know that when I die, I will open my eyes and see Jesus. Maybe I will not taste death and be changed in an instant. Doesn't matter, God is in charge and that comforts me.

    I do not put my trust in Q or Trump. I trust Jesus.

    So, I've been following Qanon,not really following just observing. I've seen with my own eyes, in real time that Q is working with the president. There are many examples of Q having inside information, Trump has confirmed that Q is real.

    How does this relate to your post? The people who are demanding that Christians take a stand against Trump are the most evil degenerate individuals in the world. Trump is proud,a womanizer,and extremely arrogant.Trump is a saint compared to those people.

    This is about good vs. evil, not dem. vs. rep. The people running the MSM are Satanists. 70% of Politicians are corrupt, All Hollywood actors,MSM shills, they all worship Satan. They are being exposed, and the attacks against Trump are intensifying. There days are numbered.

    I expect so called "Christian" leaders to attack Trump very soon, the people we trust have been bought. Q stated that this would happen.

    John MacArthur is a good guy, I'm not so sure about other "Christian" leaders.

    Things are happening that will change the world, I know you love the truth and I hope you decide to observe the show.

    Here's a good video for you.
    Q For Beginners Part 1 - Who is Q?
    Prayingmedic channel

  6. One of the elders made a similar speech about that recently. You render unto Ceasar, and if you take up arms against him you do it as a dissident rather than a Christian. For us in Canada it cuts the other way: our prime minister is a liberal wank that opposes the church, the right to life and even freedom of speech. He openly embraces abortion, sexual degeneracy, and other corrupt groups and behaviour.

    I can render unto Ceasar, but I will not bow down to him and I certainly won’t embrace or celebrate him. Cold, hostile tolerance is all he’ll get from me for now.

  7. Jeff - It is interesting to me. The Bible (that I am aware of) nowhere discusses direct confrontation of the governing authorities - especially in the New Testament. It is not as if the apostles or Paul was not aware of the corruption and evil of the government they were facing - they just had their eyes on a different goal.

    My challenge (were I the challenging type) would simply this to those who are crying out for action at this point: Let us pretend that the President completely changed and confessed his behaviors which are causing all these issues (I respect him as president; I doubt we could be good friends). Would they then turn their cries into support? Or would they simply state that now that he has confessed, he must be punished.

    And thus, I would argue they reveal their hand. They are not truly interested in Christian influence being exercised. It is merely a weapon to aimed and used. And using your brothers and sisters as weapons to accomplish an end sure seems to smack of "The Ends Justify The Means".

    Thanks for the link. I will give it a look.

  8. Glen, I think that is really the best any of us can do. To quote an old radio host favorite of mine, Lee Rodgers, never love a politician - they will break your heart every time.

    The greater the darkness, the clearer the light becomes.

  9. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Qanon article from a Green Beret.



  10. Thanks Jeff. That will take a little time for me to digest - rather a long read.


Comments are welcome (and necessary, for good conversation). If you could take the time to be kind and not practice profanity, it would be appreciated. Thanks for posting!