Saturday, June 03, 2023

Gone Adventuring 2023: Greece (And An Interview Update)

Friends - As you are reading this, I am either preparation on boarding a plane to go to....


I know what you are thinking:  "Toirdhealbheach Beucail, am I wrong in remembering that you got laid off and this previous Monday was your last day?"

Well, yes, of course all of that is correct, but let me tell you a story...

The story actually starts during the initial start of The Plague in 2020.  We were scheduled to go to Italy in June to visit Nighean Gheal as she finished up her year in Milan, but that (and everything else) got canceled.  So we were left with four airline ticket credits to use "at some future date".  The Ravishing Mrs. TB carefully continued to monitor the credits and continued to extend them as The Plague rolled on.

When Na Clann were young, The Ravishing Mrs. TB promised each of them that she would take them on a trip wherever they wanted to go - after they successfully graduated high school.  When Nighean Dhonn was asked last year, she said she wanted to go to Greece - perhaps no surprise for someone that wants to major in Archaeology.

Although I have not been attendant on the past trips, there was no way I intended to miss out on a trip to the cradle of so much of Western civilization.  Impressions are blurred whether I was asked or "invited myself" - but we did have the airline credit (tickets have skyrocketed since last year when we booked, by the way).  And so The Ravishing Mrs. TB found a ten day tour to Greece and put down a deposit for the three of us and Nighean Gheal, who did technically graduate from college (although she already had a trip) and, after all, the rooms only book as doubles.

Which brings us to February of 2023, when we needed to confirm.  Not knowing any better, we put down the rest of our non-refundable payment.  Fortunately, nothing unusual happened or else it would be unfortunate...wait a minute.  I got laid off.

Note the "non-refundable" portion of the comment above.

I was (obviously) planning on being gone for the bulk of June when I was employed, so the fact I will be gone anyway is really nothing that was unexpected - in this case, I will have the added advantage of having no e-mails or tasks I need to follow up on.  I can simply go and enjoy.

We fly into Athens and have two days pre-tour there (including a special trip for me!), then fly up to Thessaloniki and work our way down through Thessaly (Pella, the ancient capital of the Macedonian kings, and Meteora) and over to the island of Corfu, Nauplion, Delphi, Mycenae, and back to Athens.

Simply put, it is going to be a lot of fun.

As per usual during these things, I will be delayed in my responses and appreciate your patience.

I am looking forward to this like you cannot believe.

Interview Update:  The interview on Wednesday went well.  I got to walk through the facility and speak with some different individuals.  My presentation was well received.  They asked if I wanted to wait for a reference check until an offer but I said there was no need.  The references checks (per my references) have scheduled for next week.  Also, I had an addition (different company) interview as well - so hopefully some kind of good news while I am away.


  1. Nylon126:17 AM

    Encouraging news on the employment front and have fun "Over There" TB.

  2. Take good notes. We have said something similar to our daughter and she has expressed interest in visiting Greece next summer.

    1. Ed, I certainly intend to. Now I have two reasons to do so!

  3. Very cool! All good news!

    I'd like to wander in the area of Paul's missionary journeys some time. I'll have to wait though. Not enough filthy lucre, or physical stamina to see that before the new body is shipped and installed.

    1. Thanks STxAR! I am reasonably sure we will go to the Aeropagus/Mars hill in Athens, so I will sure to take pictures.

  4. It's wonderful how this worked out. How often does anyone get a guilt-free vacation! Such an interesting place too. I'm looking forward to hearing about it in the future.

    1. Leigh, I had already planned to be "out" for most of June, so this was an added bonus.

      It was really great. So much history.

  5. What a blessing this trip is sure to be! And really, the timing could not be better. Enjoy every minute!

  6. Be safe and God bless you all, TB.

    1. Thank you Linda. We had a wonderfully safe and fun vacation.

  7. Well, I've missed a lot in my absence in blog land. When I came in and saw your pictures of Greece, I scrolled backwards to this post just to see how much I had missed. I'm very happy for your family how this trip worked out for you all. Serendipity at its finest! I will enjoy scrolling back through the posts and randomly commenting on some of them. Lovely pictures you have taken, TB.

    1. In all fairness Becki, you have had much more critical things on your list.

      The trip was very serendipitous and Greece was amazing.


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