Monday, June 26, 2023

Lots Of Things, Lots Of Places, Almost All Together

 Apologies for the delay in responses this week.  For the first time in three years, the head of my sword school has been able to come to U.S. to train with us.  Trainings are broken into a morning and evening session and (perhaps not surprisingly) I have been coming home and largely collapsing, so writing and responses have been crammed into the morning or early afternoon.

Perhaps even better news is that a seminar in Japan is confirmed for early next year.  It will be shorter than previous years, but at least we will be able to go (assuming, of course, that the world continues to hold together for that long).  It certainly gives me something to work towards.

That has simply contributed to the feeling of being in a whirlwind.

Now that I am back (and to answer a question from earlier this week), I am back on the schedule at my part time job.  If this holds true, it looks like it will be a schedule of something like 12 to 15 hours a week, something like three weeks a month.  That will be welcome, both for the actual income as well as the fact as now I have Japan to plan for.

I am T minus a week or so from starting my new job, and so am scrambling to get the last sorts of things done that will need me to be out of pocket for a time such as car repairs.  And working on what will be the new training regime for the gym.  And, realizing that I have to be onsite now at least part of the time, re-planning my schedule to accommodate everything that I in theory would like to do.

And working on what the new schedule to Old Home will look like (I am thinking now Friday afternoons through Sundays or even Mondays, but that will have to include time to figure out how we are going to get the house cleared out).

And in the back of my head, I still have Greece to write about (and perhaps try and make an actual writing pitch about).

The whole thing makes my head spin a bit.

On the bright side, of course, it sure beats the alternative of 2009, when I had all the time in the world - and nothing to do.


  1. Anonymous6:37 AM

    How do you eat an elephant - one bite at a time. It sounds (and is) a lot to tackle, but prioritize and the path will be whittled down just fine.

    1. That is indeed a wise counsel - my problem (it always has been) is that I struggle to prioritize and plan, something I need to get better at.

  2. Nylon127:21 AM

    How long is his visit TB and a journey to the Far East, now that's a goal. As to your part-time job I can read it now....."Tales from the Produce Isle"........ :)

    1. Nylon12, our training was five days (ended today). A lot to think about and a lot of improvements to make.

      I am on the schedule for this week at Produce Aisle (I like this and am totally stealing it), so hopefully I will have some stories soon. Also, I need the money for travel now!

  3. Things seem to be filling my schedule too. I was naive in looking forward to a calm and relaxed summer.

    1. Ed, I have become used to circumstances lying to me about how much "free time" I actually have.

  4. Typically, I am catching up. Sounds like it was a great trip, and sounds like your schedule is getting full stateside. Not a bad thing. Change is the only constant, right? Best wishes as you navigate through them all. I look forward to reading future reports.

    1. It was a great trip Bob; very grateful to have been able to make it.

      Change is indeed the only constant - on the bright, grateful I am actually here to enjoy it.


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