Saturday, March 25, 2023

March 2023 Ranch Walkabout

 The snow has all melted away.  Although we are still in the rainy season (which is persisting a bit this year and is badly needed) from the greening up Spring is on its way.

I was fortunate in that I started my hike during a fog, which then blew out as I continued on.

The spring has not been this full in years:

"Greetings Friend!"

Even with the significant snow and wind last year that brought down so many trees, there were still a few new ones down:

The daffodils that were last month peeking up through the snow:


  1. Sounds like all reservoirs are just about full out that way. It makes me wonder how much is getting over the mountains to those two big reservoirs further east and south.

    1. Ed, the problem with water in Old Home is it is not how much you get, it is how much you keep. An early warm rain could melt down the snowpack more quickly than anticipated. The reservoir and dam floodgates could let out more water than they should. A lot can still go "poorly".

      That said, all this water locally is charging up the groundwater and aquifers, which excites me to now end. With rains like this and a mild Spring, we could be green up through the end of June, at least a month later than normal.

  2. Nylon129:40 AM

    Fallen trees = new firewood. Thanks for the tour, good to see green and even some brown what with 115 days of at least one inch of the white stuff on the ground. Enjoy your colors TB.

    1. You are more than welcome Nylon12.

      Honestly, I think there is enough wood down on the ground now to provide firewood for most of the rest of my life, if cut up and properly managed.

  3. Anonymous10:00 AM

    That is an idyllic area. We've had more rain this year, too. More than last year up until October. Weeds and grass and mold. But still, it's greener. That spring... I miss seeing those. Texas Hill Country has some as does south western Oklahoma. I enjoyed their little watery voices on hikes.

    1. I have become sensitized to the sound of water, mostly due to the hiking I have started doing. Amazing how such a small voice can fill the air with such joy.

  4. Anonymous11:50 AM

    We've had 6" of rain this month. Three of them yesterday.

    1. Wow! Depending on where you are, that is a lot! (in New Home, that would not be remarkable; in Old Home it would be quite a feat.

  5. yea! Spring is officially here with the daffodils! They are such happy little flowers, like sunflowers Thank you! :-)

    1. They are, Hobo. My mother always enjoyed seeing them spring out in Spring. Hopefully the Irises are soon to follow.

  6. 3+ inches snow last night, no daffodils yet. Hope springs eternal as I'm heading out to shovel a clear bit for my mourning dove's diner.

    1. Wow Michael - That sounds like the dead of Winter to me.


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