Friday, July 19, 2019

Absence And Presence


  1. I can see that. I can understand it. Might not completely agree, but I can see the point.

  2. Linda, it is a bit nuanced. There are a few people where just because I do not speak or talk them in quite a while does not mean that I am not important to them - but those are old friends for the most part. And I do think in the modern world there is a tendency to "collect" friends like we do anything else - and yet they scarcely realize when we are not engaged with them.

  3. I wonder if it isn't a 'guy' thing? That one hit me right between the eyes and I have been thinking about it ever since. For me this applies right at the family level. It is a hard perspective to appreciate for some and sadly all to easy for others...

  4. Glen, it is possible. I will say that this hit me between the eyes as well, especially with my decreasing presence on the social networks - seemingly, if you are not active on there you simply fade away. Of course I understand that if you only know people through the networks, that is their only contact with you - but I can assure you (as you can as well, I suspect) that the complete lack of "Where did X go?" speaks volumes.


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