Monday, January 30, 2023

January Ranch Walkabout - A View From Above

 (All - My apologies: I am on the road for work returning Wednesday, so my responses to your comments will be delayed as I will only have access to my work computer.)

During my last visit at The Ranch as part of an investigation for a roof leak, I climbed up on the roof to look for any definitive loose shingles.  As part of that activity, I took a video from the top of the house.


  1. Nylon127:04 AM

    That's a fair number of trees there TB. Curious as how The Ranch is heated.

    1. Nylon12, when my parents had the house built they put in both a wood stove (which primarily heats the living room and kitchen area) and a propane heat system. For many years my father primarily relied on wood; only in the last 1-2 years did he use the propane system more.

  2. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I see a drone in your future ;-)

    1. Hobo, my fear with a drone is it will become a rather expensive hobby quickly as the learning curve for "not crashing" would be pretty much a straight line up.

  3. Roof leaks are nearly impossible to find from my experience. Just the littlest defect or crack and now you have a leak. Hopefully you were able to solve it.

    1. Ed, it was - I had missed it in December when I was out and had repaired the ceiling only to come in again in January and find it more extensively evident. Fortunately in January, it was still raining and I was able to seal it off from the inside. The Cowboy is checking on it for me - if it holds, I will redo repairs this month. Certainly worth a post.

  4. Makes me want to sit under a tree and just listen. :)
    Do you have a walkable attic that you can look up at the shingles from? Not that that might help. Just an idea. Good luck with that, TB.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Linda, there is enough attic space that I can get up and walk most of the length of the house and see up. Fortunately is was still leaking and I was able to find it (this time).

    2. Glad you found it. And fixed it?
      Our old house had an attic like that..

    3. I think so Linda. I sealed the leak with indoor waterproof sealant. It rained after that, so I checked afterwards and found no leak. I then re-oversealed the enter area. The Cowboy is checking up on it in the event of rain. If all looks well in February, I will try (again) to repaint it.

    4. Congratulations, TB. Not an easy task no matter what sort of roof. God bless. :)

  5. Gorgeous plot of land! I hope you find the leak!!


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