Thursday, May 28, 2015

Input Deprivation Day Four

So the Input Deprivation has been an interesting experiment so far.

The amazing thing to me is how difficult it has been.  One would not think that input would be such an annoyance to live without but it has turned out to be so.  I am acutely conscious of the fact that I am not doing activities that I would usually do, be it reading other blogs, keeping informed of events, or engaging in social media.

This "emptiness" is having two effects on me.  On the one hand, it is causing me to become more of an "output" machine, be the outputs only such things as thoughts or ideas.  They have not yet coalesced to the point of becoming something useful but that, I think, is in the future where the exercise to continue.

The second effect is how much of a justification I am trying to make to do something to fill this void.  As I mentioned, books were the one thing I left off of this list which were recommended by the author was reading.  What I have discovered is almost a desperate attempt by myself to fill the time with reading - anything.  I cannot really come up with a justification in my mind yet but it is something I almost do impulsively.  The one thing that I may yet change is limiting that reading time to specific bounds.

But on the whole, is it good so far?  I would have to answer in the affirmative.  I am far more aware of my time and how I spend it than I was previously.  And I certainly have a sense of space within myself, space that I am filling with things that simply do not contribute to my overall goals.

It is good.  I just need to listen deeper.


  1. All in all then it would seem a positive exercise TB

    1. I feel it to be so John - in fact, so much so I may extend the exercise with some modifications, for example, looking at specific favorite blogs...


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