Friday, January 29, 2010

Time Wisdom

Another Friday morning where the sense of the end of the week is not "Hey, it's Friday" but more "Oh look, it's Friday. One more day to make it through."

It makes me to think on the concept of how we measure time.

For example, as a child school seemed to last forever and even summer (once it arrived) was long. Then I reached the point that I worked during the summers, and then the weekends seemed long. Then I worked through the year, and suddenly all days seemed to be both too long (in amount of time) and too short (in the amount of work I had to do).

Now, I've reached the point that even the "ordinary" work week is too short to do all that I have to do, yet the weekends themselves are really just one long day sandwiched between work weeks.

"Time management" and "multi-tasking" (probably another one of those phrases we'll look back upon and say "That was so 1990's)" seems to have become excuses for squeezing the maximum amount of effort of anyone. After all, the first item when confronted with time constraints is not "Is there too much to do?" but "Are you using your time wisely?"

Wisely. Hmm. What is wisdom? In one sense, I suppose, Yes, because I'm using it to do a matter that is important: provide for my family, improve my mind, pray to God. On the other hand, if I'm using it for things of no import or the foolishness of others, I don't know that I am.

So maybe that's the question for today: Is using my time "wisely" really wise?

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