Wednesday, January 30, 2008


God whacked me over the head - again - today.

1) He reminded me "I am going too quickly". Again, something came up at work today where I went too fast, moved too quickly. I think God is reminding me - again - to slow down, do one thing at a time.

2) God also reminded me through this - again - that what He wants and what I want can be two different things.

Where do I get the idea that God has asked me to do all the things that I think he has - or at least put on my list for Him?

Where do I get the idea that He has has called me to other than where He has me right now?

I only have so much time - and I cannot slack on my true responsibilities to whcih He has called me: husband, father, child of God and ambassador of Christ; death to self, denial of self, consecration of self, sanctification of self. These are goals that Scripture calls out - the rest, the things I wrote down, may be, but they're only of secondary importance.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:15 AM

    I am glad to see that your sense of humour is back in leaps and bounds.


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