Thursday, August 18, 2016

Hoping For A (Political) Miracle

The longer this campaign goes on, the more and more I despair.

I cannot think of another election in my life time - 10 I am conscious of - that the race to the bottom for each candidate has never been quicker.  The candidates and their assorted hangers on seem almost to be in a contest with other to see who can become the least desirable candidate to win an election.

I also despair because of the voting public, who seems (in large part) committed to this farce, blindly supporting "their" candidate because that person is not of the other party.  It is the sort of unreasoning faith that somehow is found as "fundamentalist" and "closed minded" in the realm of religion but apparently is a virtue when it comes to much more fallible humans.

Why, I wonder in the depths of my despair, do we not actually see a third candidate emerge - not the silliness of a third party but rather of the write in individual, someone of skill and unimpeachable ethics (badly needed no matter which side you look to)?  Why, when we can seem put together social movements for thing of lesser importance, can grown adults not look the situation in the eye and realize it is up to them to do something, not the two parties which have managed to brings us this circus?

I suppose, if I thought deeply enough about it, I would find in my heart that this really stems from our lack of maturity as adults.  We have ceded the right to manage our lives in a responsible and sober way; instead, we have turned the reins over to "our betters" and merely ask we be taken care of in a way that does not disturb our own little worlds.  In fact, we are so enamored of being taken care of that we will scarcely reflect on if those who "speak" for us really have our best interests at heart.

What would I love to see?  A nationwide write-in campaign for the candidate that this country actually needs, not the one that we keep being told that we need (which would mean, by the way, we would have to decide what that candidate would actually look like.  Perhaps food for additional thought).

I am sure that I will be heartbroken in this, of course.  We can scarcely get a sensible person even to local office.  The chances we could do it on a national level are as remote as...

...hoping that adults wake up and actually act like adults.


  1. All i know is; if I see one more "Obamaphone" kiosk spring up in my town, I'm going to blow a gasket!

    1. I feel the same way every time I pass a stadium or other "sporting" facility built with taxpayer dollars the lowers my property taxes not at all.

  2. My wife & I noted that, when Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher left office, there were no other leaders stepping up into their level. That level is just a memory, now, and the "leaders" that there are, are greatly reduced in stature. It's sad, but not unexpected.

    1. It saddens me as well Reverend. I cannot think of a leader the United States has had since 1988 of that stature.

      How have reached the point where this is best we can do for national leadership?

  3. Replies
    1. I hope Linda, although sometimes I feel as if hope has left these lands.

    2. I agree it does seem bleak. All I can do is pray every day. We'll know in a few months if healing can start or if the Zombie Apocalypse is near.
      Be safe and God Bless.

    3. Linda, I am actually to the point I believe that the Zombie Apocalypse happens whether we want it or not.

    4. You may be right. I like to hope not, but it does seem you may be right.


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